Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Making Room for Multiples

When we moved to PEI
we knew we would be waiting a few weeks for the moving truck to arrive. 

Initially, we thought we could make it through with just a play pen for Piper to sleep in,
but after a week of hotels and Piper not sleeping,
we caved and bought a whole new crib on our first day in our new home.

It paid for itself on the very first night
when Piper slept ALL night.


Beautiful beautiful sleep!

Now that our stuff has arrived, 
we have put together the old crib in anticipation of Piper's cousin Jack's upcoming visit.

In the mean time,
Piper's room now has two cribs...
just perfect for my three munchkins. 


Piper sleeps in the crib with the pink sheet...
... while Ernie and Dip sleep in the crib with green sheet. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Ernie and Dip

 You may think that I made an error when typing the title for this post. 

But no.
No mistake made.

Piper has had a long standing obsession with Ernie,
so while on a day trip to Charlottetown when we first arrived here
we bought her a Little People sized Ernie and Bert at Toys R Us.

They were an immediate hit. 
I had been a little worried about not having many toys around our new home
until the moving truck arrived,
but I hadn't anticipated the impact that 
these two little figurines would make on Piper's little life.

She LOVES them.

That's an understatement.

Ernie is the first word she says in the morning 
and the last word she says at night.

But now,
Bert is also in the picture.
He has become her second love and she affectionately calls him "Dip".

I have tried everything to get her to say Bert,
but she just smiles and says "Dip". 

So now she does everything in threes.
(Fours when Blue is not outside enjoying his new yard.)

Ernie and Dip eat every meal and snack with us.
They go for all car rides and trips to the grocery store.
They take baths with her 
and even have to be tucked into bed every night as part of our bedtime routine.

I must say,
it's a hectic life being the mother of three,
but somehow I'm managing!



Helping DIP drink his milk.
Ernie's turn!
Breakfast time eating goes as follows:
One for Ernie... 
... One for Piper...
... and usually one for Dip,
but for some reason he had to stand on the Eggo instead of eat it today.
Nothing but love for Ernie and Dip.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Conquering New Heights

With a new house comes new furniture.

Well... a new high chair anyway. 

To Piper, this means:

Now it's usually a fight if I try to put her in the chair myself.

That's not acceptable.
Only babies need their mom's help.

So, instead, I just tell her to go get into her chair so that we can eat...
and off she goes!

Miss Independent!!


Are you watching???!!!
Reaching base camp.

Checking out the view on her way.
And approaching the summit....
... careful on the turn around...
... easing into position...
... and she's made it!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

We Made it to PEI

A short post with a few photos.

I'm tired and want to go to bed,
so I'll leave you with few words and extra photos.


Piper on our decent into Charlottetown.
Still in her pajamas after an early start but long day of flying.
If you enlarge this photo,
you can see the Confederation Bridge linking New Brunswick and PEI.
Extraordinary and terrifying!!! 
Coming in to land over our new homeland.
Charlottetown Airport sporting the lovely mascot
for the world famous
Cow's Homemade Ice Cream!
Of course she must check out the udders....
.... and do what everyone thinks to do when they see a giant ceramic cow!?!?
Honestly! She has to climb EVERYTHING! 
Meeting Anne of Green Gables for the first time.
I'll save the red head jokes for all of you!
I've heard them all before! ;-)

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Bye Bye Blue

I'm sure you all know from previous posts
how much fun Piper has in airports.

Well this time around, 
she found it particularly interesting to have Blue along for the ride.



Laughing at Blue in his kennel!
She's very excited that he's coming with us. 
Giving him a kiss before we leave him at the Oversized Luggage Gate!
People in the line up were "ahhhing" when she did this. lol 
Off we go Blue.
Just wait until you see your new big backyard in PEI!

Friday, 26 July 2013

We're BACK!

Holy smokes.

I feel as if I've been completely disconnected from the world
for the past two weeks!

What did we ever do before internet???

Well, in the time since my last post
we have moved into our beautiful new home in Miscouche, PEI.
We love this house!!

Blue's fence was completed yesterday
and he celebrated by running laps around the yard at top speed.

Quite similar to Miss Piper when we set her loose in our house.
There is so much more SPACE here than in our Yellowknife house.
She runs and squeals and just loves it here.

We are happy.

Happier now that the moving truck also arrived today,
with our computer so that we're also reconnected to the cyber world.

Woo hoo!

Now to unpack and settle in. 

Give me some time for that please!

In the mean time,
here are a couple of photos of Piper's last few days in the NWT.

We hope to be back into the full swing of the blog
now that things are getting somewhat back to normal.


Hotel play on the luggage cart.
She took a ride from our room, on the elevator and into the lobby.
Dinner with the gang on our last night in YK.
Piper is in the 95th percentile for her height... can you tell?
She's also very sad to be leaving her friends.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Big Blue Eyed Girl

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.

We are busy and exhausted.

Piper didn't sleep well the three nights that we were in the hotel,
So that meant, of course, that neither did mommy and daddy.

Add that to the craziness of packing, moving and seeing our friends a few last times...
well... The blog suffered.

My apologies!

Now that we are in Edmonton hopefully Piper will sleep better
and then I can get back on track.

Hope to meet you all soon in PEI.


Monday, 8 July 2013

Boxed In

The moving company arrived on Friday for our prepack. 

We thought that a prepack meant that they would pack
the pictures that were hanging on our walls
and any breakable decor items.


They pretty much stayed here for 8 hours 
and packed what ever we would allow them to pack.

Because I wasn't prepared,
I pretty much just told them to help themselves 
and then frantically ran around 
gathering up things that I thought we may need over the next month.

I'm not sure if I saved everything that we might need,
but really, 
it's only a month.

As long as I have diapers, wipes and food for Piper,
I can live without the rest!


Where is Piper?
I see boxes... lots of boxes, but where is Piper?
Ahhh, she found the disassembled swing and jumparoo
behind the wall of boxes. 
I say, "why".
Piper says, "why not"?

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Some Light Bathroom Reading

Piper has become very interested in the toilet. 

She likes to walk into the bathroom,
turn around...
and then back up until her bum touches the toilet.

She then stands there leaning on the toilet
and thinks she's doing something wonderful.

A couple of days ago
she even did it with a book in her hands.

SO funny!


Apparently reading while using the toilet?!!
As usual, no privacy!
This time she didn't seem to mind though.
She was just so darn proud of herself!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Itchy Scratchy

Mosquitos love Piper.

Piper loves to scratch her bites.

Hair complicates things.


Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Scratching does nothing for the hair do!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Baby Balloon Blues

Someone who works at the Co-op gave Piper a princess balloon.

She loves it. 

Mommy does not. 

Here is a photo story of our day...
view it and then repeat.
All. Day. Long!


Peas. Peas. Peas.
(Please please please in Piper language.)
What's wrong Piper? Where is your balloon?

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Miss Mustache

I've seen some pretty fancy mustaches in my time...
but none as good as this one!

Piper just excels at everything she does. 



Go big or go home! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Piper's Particular Positioning of Portions with her Petite Pedi

I gave Piper some Cheerios and an Eggo for her breakfast...
IN her bowl.

I was washing the dishes while she was quietly eating.

When I turned around I found that she had
transferred her breakfast from her bowl into the cup holder on her tray.

Then proceeded to clap at her performance.

I sure love this kid and her quirky ways!


I guess it just looked like it belonged over there.
Now it's time to eat!
Did you notice her toes??
She had a visit with the Hipolito girls yesterday
and when I picked her up
she had pretty BLUE toes.
She loves them!!

Monday, 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day

Off to the Canada Day parade here in Yellowknife today.

It started off pretty typical with the marching mounties,
followed by the military,
followed by cadets...

... but from there on it got a little RANDOM!

There were some other cool entries,
but honestly, 
a windshield repair guy mascot
and Property Guys people dressed in head to toe spandex suits?

Slightly disturbing.

Piper LOVED it.

When the fire truck went past with their dog mascot named Sparky in the back
she was reaching for him saying, "UP, UP, UP". 
Then she cried when he kept going down the road without stopping to pick her up. 


After the parade was over, 
we met up with Daddy for a cuddle and a few photos.

If you ask me,
Piper and Cole make super cute Mini-Mounties!


Happy Flag waving with Cole and his Mommy.
Best seat in the house for parade watching!
Mini ...
... Mounties.