Piper finally rolled out of bed at 9 am this morning.
Sleepy little thing.
I am NOT complaining.
Not one little bit.
She has become a fabulous sleeper
and will most often play in her crib for at least a half an hour
before and after naps and bedtime.
It's wonderful!
When she finally did call out to me this morning,
I looked out the window to see beautiful snow falling
with a nice little blanket of it on the ground.
My doctor has told me to rest as much as I can
and to take it easy,
but who could resist such a lovely day
to go outside and build a snowman
with the world's sweetest child?
Piper thought it was the best thing in the world.
Mastering standing up and moving around in her snowsuit
was the first obstacle of the day!
It didn't take long,
but it was a pretty amusing challenge.
The second obstacle was that our front lawn is a big hill.
Piper found it easy enough to go down the hill
(often on her bum/side/head),
but climbing up the hill was a different matter.
It didn't help that the more she stumbled and fell,
the more she laughed.
She's a lot like her mamma there!
Then came the dressing of the snowman.
Piper was a little distraught
with having to give up her carrot to Officer Snowman,
but in the end Snowman laid down the law and won the battle.
Next I revealed some grapes that could be used as eyes,
since we couldn't find any rocks laying around.
I put two grapes in the snowman's face,
turned around to look for sticks for arms,
then turned back to only find ONE eye.
I looked around,
but no lost grape could be found.
I suspect Miss P took the loss on the carrot,
but not on the grape.
Good thing I had an extra one in my pocket!
Last came the raisins to make the mouth.
Once again, they kept disappearing into someone else's mouth,
instead of in Snowman's mouth.
Next time,
I think I will look harder for rocks.
It's difficult to build a snowman
when your child keeps eating it's face!
When it was finally time to go inside
Piper was happy to say goodbye to Officer Snowman,
but the whole time we were walking away from him
she kept saying,
"Ta ta carrot.
Ta ta gape. (grape)
Ta Ta raisin."
I thought she would have put up more of a fight to leave Mr. Snowman,
but no.
She just didn't want to leave the food!
First snowball of the year! |
Rolling that snowball to make Officer Snowman's body. |
"I'm having so much fun Mommy!" |
... And of course our little monkey has to try to climb the snowman!
As she does with everything else! |
Acting distraught that she really has to give up her carrot
to the snowman for his nose! |
Making sure Officer Snowman's scarf is nice and warm
with a photo of our new home in the background. |
Giving Officer Snowman a warm hug,
just in case that scarf isn't doing the trick. |
And one last shot of Officer Snowman when he was 'off duty'.
Since we're pretty sure Daddy wouldn't have been happy
to come home from work and find his forge cap on the front lawn. |
Making a snowman is hard work! On our way inside, Piper laid back on the front step, looked at me and said "seep". Then closed her eyes and pretended to take a nap. She sure is a character!!!! |