Saturday, 30 November 2013

"Oh Dear" Christmas Tree

We don't have a Christmas tree.
We needed a new one for this year.

We saw one at Costco and didn't order it soon enough.
Now there are none left.

We haven't been able to find one in Summerside that we like.

So, unless we find one in Charlottetown or Moncton 
within the next 25 days...
this will be our Christmas tree!


Good ol' Charlie Brown!
Does it look like Piper is making a funny face with her lips in this photo?
She's not!
They're swollen. A lot.
She did a face-plant in the mall and put her tooth through her lip.
Just in time for her Christmas photo shoot!
A friend sent me this photo last night after I had posted my blog.
Family photos are too rare  around here not to share!

Friday, 29 November 2013

Santa Claus Parade

Tonight was the Summerside Santa Clause Parade.

Piper refused to nap this afternoon,
which meant that on our way to the parade
she passed out.
I guess her anticipation of seeing "Ho Ho" 
wasn't that great!

During the parade,
she didn't move an inch.
Perhaps I had her bundled up too much to even have a choice in the matter.

The only part of her little body that stirred
were her eyeballs as she looked around at all of the floats!

I think "Daddy's Car" and the horses were her favourite parts!

I can't believe that I have forgotten to post this earlier,
but we had a 3D ultrasound done on November 10th
to reconfirm Littlest Lynch's gender.

Here are a couple of photos of him/her!


The anticipation of the parade is overwhelming!
Bundled up watching the parade!
No part of her moved except for her eyeballs.
Momma bundling up baby #2 for the parade!
Littlest Lynch in 3D.
Looks like this baby is going to be a boxer!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Bert's Boo-boo

There are a few posts that I can't believe
 I have forgotten to blog about sooner. 

This one is one of them.

When Piper's Nana and Poppy Pope came to visit in September,
they gave her the infamous Ernie and Bert (Dip) dolls.
They have been a permanent fixture in Piper's arms ever since.

What I have forgotten to mention,
is that after only having them for a few days,
we caught Blue chewing on BERT!

Thankfully we caught him before he could do any significant damage,
but Bert's nose was a little worse for wear.

That happened more than 2 months ago.

EVERY morning Piper still starts her day 
by telling me all about the boo-boo on Dip's nose. 

I don't think there's any point in trying to repair it now. 
She has just learned to accept him as "Dip with a boo-boo"
and still loves him unconditionally.

I kind of like the lesson learned here.

We're not perfect,
but Piper will love us anyway!

Dip's boo-boo on his nose.
Piper showing you where it is,
in case you missed it!
A kiss makes it all better!
And a giant squeeze of course!

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Pre-Bedtime Daddy Cuddles

Every night before bed,
Piper has her snack while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,
then drinks her milk,
followed by brushing her teeth,
reading books,
a 5 minute cuddle in the rocking chair
and then we "hop, hop, hop" to her crib!

After that she's free to do as she pleases.

Sometimes we can hear her in there having a dance party 
and hour later,
which just means that we have a good chance at a little sleep-in the next morning!

Mommy is usually in charge of the bedtime routine,
since Daddy works just as many nights as days,
but every few nights Little Miss gets lucky enough
to share her cuddles with Daddy!


Daddy stealing a kiss while Miss P is distracted by Mickey!
Mickey must be interesting this evening.
They both look captivated!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Piper's Ponytail

If Piper was sixteen years old,
this ponytail would STILL be impressive.

Everyday we're still in awe of how much hair this child has!

It's always fun...
until mealtime! 

I think more food goes in Piper's hair
than what goes in her mouth.


Well HELLO again camera!
A ponytail to impress!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Dancing Partners

This post really deserves a video,
but photos will have to do for now.

My father sometimes plays the guitar and sings on Skype for Piper.

Now, every time she hears the song
Music and Friends by Simani,
she calls it Poppy's song.

I was sitting at the computer this evening 
when Miss P marched into my room
and asked to hear "Poppy's song".

I played it for her and she immediately froze and said "ta ta Ernie"
and ran out of the room.

She returned moments later 
with Ernie in her arms 
and proceeded to 
dance her little heart out with him.

Her love for Ernie and 'Dip' has no end!


It's hard to tell that she's dancing,
but they are going round and round in circles!
This dancing is serious business!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Mini Aunt Cindy

Piper tried on a Christmas dress today
that will be a present from her Great Nanny Dawe.

I'm sure there will lots of photos taken of her wearing this dress
over the Christmas holidays,
but I couldn't help but post this photo today.

I think in the first photo
that Piper looks SO much like her Aunt Cindy!!!
I've never noticed it before,
but in this photo
I think she is a little Cindy clone!

Piper loves and misses you Aunt Cindy!


Should I call her Little Miss C?
Ouch! The tag is scratching her arm.
She doesn't know the word for scratch yet,
so she kept telling me that it was "too tight".

Saturday, 23 November 2013

My Snowman can Arrest your Snowman

Piper finally rolled out of bed at 9 am this morning.
Sleepy little thing.

I am NOT complaining. 
Not one little bit.
She has become a fabulous sleeper
and will most often play in her crib for at least a half an hour
before and after naps and bedtime. 
It's wonderful!

When she finally did call out to me this morning,
I looked out the window to see beautiful snow falling
with a nice little blanket of it on the ground.

My doctor has told me to rest as much as I can
and to take it easy,
but who could resist such a lovely day
to go outside and build a snowman
with the world's sweetest child?

Piper thought it was the best thing in the world.
Mastering standing up and moving around in her snowsuit 
was the first obstacle of the day!
It didn't take long, 
but it was a pretty amusing challenge.

The second obstacle was that our front lawn is a big hill.
Piper found it easy enough to go down the hill
(often on her bum/side/head),
but climbing up the hill was a different matter. 
It didn't help that the more she stumbled and fell,
the more she laughed.
She's a lot like her mamma there!

Then came the dressing of the snowman.
Piper was a little distraught 
with having to give up her carrot to Officer Snowman,
but in the end Snowman laid down the law and won the battle. 

Next I revealed some grapes that could be used as eyes,
since we couldn't find any rocks laying around.
I put two grapes in the snowman's face,
turned around to look for sticks for arms,
then turned back to only find ONE eye.
I looked around, 
but no lost grape could be found. 
I suspect Miss P took the loss on the carrot, 
but not on the grape. 
Good thing I had an extra one in my pocket!

Last came the raisins to make the mouth.
Once again, they kept disappearing into someone else's mouth,
instead of in Snowman's mouth.

Next time, 
I think I will look harder for rocks.
It's difficult to build a snowman 
when your child keeps eating it's face!

When it was finally time to go inside
Piper was happy to say goodbye to Officer Snowman,
but the whole time we were walking away from him
she kept saying,
"Ta ta carrot. 
Ta ta gape. (grape)
Ta Ta raisin."

I thought she would have put up more of a fight to leave Mr. Snowman,
but no.
She just didn't want to leave the food!


First snowball of the year!
Rolling that snowball to make Officer Snowman's body.
"I'm having so much fun Mommy!"
... And of course our little monkey has to try to climb the snowman!
As she does with everything else!
Acting distraught that she really has to give up her carrot
to the snowman for his nose!
Making sure Officer Snowman's scarf is nice and warm
with a photo of our new home in the background.
Giving Officer Snowman a warm hug,
just in case that scarf isn't doing the trick.
And one last shot of Officer Snowman when he was 'off duty'.
Since we're pretty sure Daddy wouldn't have been happy
to come home from work and find his forge cap on the front lawn.
Making a snowman is hard work!
On our way inside,
Piper laid back on the front step, looked at me and said "seep".
Then closed her eyes and pretended to take a nap.
She sure is a character!!!!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Net Head Part Deux

Just a follow-up post.

Piper is STILL going around with that silly net on her head. 

Apparently it's a LOT of fun!


This is how we found her playing with her sheep and cow.
It's so hard to take her seriously when she looks like this! 
And... when Mommy laughs and takes out the camera,
she KNOWS she's being cute!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Mommy's Jammies

Piper disappeared into my closet last night,
and came out with the only pair of maternity pajamas that I have.
Shorts and a tank top.

She proceeded to put them both on
and then strut around our house saying,
"Mommy Jammies"!

I can foresee this one costing us an arm and a leg 
in clothing as she gets older!


They're just a little too big, but she doesn't mind!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Piper the Pizza Maker

This was supposed to be a photo-a-day blog,
but tonight we had too much fun to just post one (or five) photos.

It was pizza night,
so lots of fun...
and lots of mess!!

I was shocked that Piper actually ate any of the pizza after it was baked,
since she ate enough raw dough, peppers and pepperoni to last her a week
while we were making the pizzas. 
But no, 
she made such delicious pizzas that she ate an entire piece after it was cooked.

Daddy enjoyed his too,
even though I had to warn him that he may discover a piece of pepperoni
with a bite out of it somewhere on his pizza! ;-)

I wonder if you can buy little personal-sized pizza pans?
Wouldn't that be fun!



Excited to show off her pizza dough!
Piper's flattened out dough, just like mommies! 
Pepperoni time....
... which turned into snack time! 
Time to add the peppers.
We usually have to cut up a second red pepper by the time we top the pizzas
because Piper usually eats it all before we can add it.
Today she wanted the orange pepper more!
Mushroom time!
All in one heap.
I guess you'll just get one good mushroom-y bite!
And the best part...
Making pizza is hard work...
must take another snack break!
The pizzas are ready for the oven,
so what does little Neta do?
She grabbed a cloth to start cleaning up!
Never too busy doing housework to stop and have a game of peek-a-boo!
Enjoying the reward of her hard work making supper!
Sharing her water with her boys!
(Who, yes, MUST sit at the table with us for meals!)
It looks like she enjoyed eating the pizza as much as she enjoyed making it!!!!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lame Kitchen Party?

After Piper put one of her dolls to sleep in her little basket,
she proceeded to lie down on the kitchen floor
and kindly asked her daddy to do the same.

Since Daddy dearest will do just about anything
that this tiny cute person asks,
he laid down next to her.

She next instructed him to close his eyes and "go seep Daddy".

Maybe because she knows that Mommy 
really will go to sleep and not just pretend!


Daddy 'seeping' on the kitchen floor!
Daddy asked Piper to close her eyes...
I guess this is pretty close!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Sleepy Love

We all know that Piper adores Ernie and 'Dip' all day long,
but did you know that she loves them all night long too?

This is how I found Miss P when I had to wake her a couple of days ago.

You can barely see Ernie here..
just a little bit of his hair, one finger and one red shoe,
but he is in there.
Both Ernie and "Dip" are cuddled under her arm!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Delicate Hair Net

Since Piper arrived,
there has never been a dull moment in our home.

as Mark and I were getting ready to take the family for a walk
Piper disappeared for a moment.

When she reappeared from the laundry room,
she was sporting a new 'hat'.

When I bought this little mesh bag for washing delicate laundry in,
I had no idea that it was also a fashion accessory!


"Hat, Mommy, Hat!"
I'd wear this hat too,
if Daddy did MY hair! ;-)
Going Fencing???
And yes... this hat did stay with her for a good portion of the day!