Oh goodness.
Today was a BIG day in the Lynch household.
Piper slept in her bed for the ENTIRE night last night,
so was incredibly excited to wake me up and tell me this at 7:15am.
Since our girl never sleeps though the night,
this was worth celebrating by all!
Last night was also the first time we put Elliotte to bed
wearing panties and not a pull-up.
Guess who woke up completely dry!!!!
That's my big girl.
Elliotte usually sleeps all night,
but now she's sleeping all night in big girl panties!
Another reason to celebrate.
How did we celebrate?
With chocolate of course.
Then 10 minutes of iPad time each. (This is a rare treat!)
Then a trip to the swimming pool.
AND the big one...
we turned Elliotte's crib into a big girl bed!
She was super proud and excited.
Though it did only take Piper about 10 minutes
to get into trouble for jumping on it,
it was still an exciting event for our whole family.
We have procrastinated moving E to a big girl bed
because of Piper's terrible sleep habits.
I figure if Elliotte is happy to sleep in her crib
and it isn't hurting her, why change it.
You don't try to fix what's not broken, right?
Well, everything was rainbows and lollipops until bedtime came.
I'll bet you're all thinking that it was a nightmare
trying to get her to stay in her bed!
You're so wrong.
It fell apart at story time.
Piper, Elliotte and I were cuddled up on Piper's bed reading our stories together.
Elliotte had chosen The Paperbag Princess as one of her two books,
which got us talking about Halloween costumes.
I had suggested that one of them might like to
dress up as the Paperbag Princess for Halloween this year.
Elliotte said no and that she'd like to be a bumblebee again.
I told her that I'm not sure if her bumblebee costume would fit this year,
but we could try it.
Then I said,
"If it is too small, perhaps you could go as the Popo.
Heehee. You could go at the FUZZ for Halloween!"
** Note: My girls have heard me call Mark the Popo a million times.
It's commonly used in our house and we mean no disrespect.
It's the only nickname that I use...
UNTIL we watch Finding Dory.
During one of the final scenes of the movie,
Bailey the Beluga sees the police coming and says,
"Uh oh. It's the Fuzz."
Well, the first time we watched this movie and I heard Bailey say that,
I laughed so hard that I cried.
Piper and Elliotte didn't understand what was so amusing,
but they knew that if they repeat what Bailey said,
I would laugh out loud.
Okay, back to my Elliotte story.
After I suggested that Elliotte could be the Fuzz for Halloween,
she didn't say anything.
She didn't agree nor disagree,
so I just continued on with story time.
While pausing to wait for the girls to choose a Peppa Pig story
to read out of our collection,
Elliotte randomly and quietly says,
"I don't want to be the Fuzz."
Okay, so they way she said it and when it was so unexpected,
I laughed.
I really laughed.
That hurt Elliotte's feelings.
It really hurt Elliotte's feelings.
So she cried.
A broken hearted sobbing cry.
Mark even came running to find out what had happened.
Piper telling Mark the story made Elliotte cry even harder.
My poor baby who is not a baby anymore!
Talk about a mommy fail tonight!
And we were so excited for the big girl bed.
After comforting Elliotte and finally getting her settled again,
we continued reading our bedtime stories.
Before I was finished,
Elliotte was sound asleep next to me.
We picked her up and laid her in her big girl bed
without her even knowing.
I'm so sad that she missed such a big milestone,
but there will be a big celebration tomorrow!
Her choice!
Which I'm sure her big sister will help sway!
Our big girl!!! |
You know she's really asleep when the thumb falls out! |
Very proud big sister! |