I was excited to get back to Yellowknife to hopefully get a full night of sleep since I was convinced that Piper just wanted to be home in her own bed, but I was oh so wrong. Since being home, she has started waking EVERY hour. Sigh. Zzzzzzzzzzzz...
Tooth number 4 is just around the corner, so I'm hoping that once it cuts through, we will all get some much needed sleep!!
Now on to the photos! Last year my grandmother sent me a beautiful bunting bag/snowsuit that she wanted me to use to bring Piper home from the hospital in. We were able to do that, but only because we didn't have a single thing that was small enough for my tiny baby. That very same suit is what Piper is wearing now until we get a new car seat installed that is big enough to contain her and her new snowsuit. Enjoy!
I'm too small for ANY of my clothes just yet! |
Going home from the hospital just 5 days old! |
10 and a half months old going shopping!! |
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