Thursday, 14 March 2013

A Drunken Tea Party

With the medication kicking in, 
Piper is starting to feel a little better and she isn't coughing nearly as much.

We're very relieved!

Today she was well enough to host a tea party on the couch!

I don't know what was in the tea...
but you'll see for yourself what happened after the tea party!


Apparently you don't 'sip' tea at Piper's parties!
Bottoms up Dolly!
With one dolly down (she took a nose dive),
the girls go on drinking, but now there are five!
Four little Dollies, all drinking tea.
Another one quits...
.... and then there were three!
Two dollies left drinking tea and having fun,
until another bites the dust and then there was...
... one!
Geez... can't either of you girls hold your tea?
It wasn't THAT strong...
Or was it?

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