Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Nap Time Gets Tricky

We all know that Piper loves Ernie and Dip.

They are first and foremost the loves of her life.
(Next to Mommy, Daddy and Blue of course!)

But Dora and Boots are not too far behind. 

Other than some colouring books, 
we don't have any Dora toys.

That changed a few days before Christmas
when my cousin sent over a 
hand-me-down Dora and Boots foam chair
that their daughter had outgrown.

Piper treats this chair like a stuffed animal.
She talks to it.
Feeds it milk and raisins.
Carries it from room to room with her...
She LOVES it.

I don't mind at all,
but it does get tricky when Piper insists
that Dora and Boots join us for story time before a nap.

(Shaking my head at the sweet silliness of my child.)

I happen to know that Nana and Poppy 
have sent a small plush Dora and Boots in a birthday package!
That should make story time much more comfortable for all of us!


I know I know. We look ridiculous!
Piper is not really asleep in this photo, it just appears that way.
She's actually just as awake and excited as what Dora and Boots are on that chair!
Speaking of naps,
look who is very much enjoying his new bed courtesy of Santa!

Speaking of sweetness, a couple of nights ago, as I was putting Piper to bed, she asked me to take off my 'coat'. I figured the buttons were annoying her during our 5 minute cuddle after story time, so I agreed and took off my sweater. That's when Piper looked up at me and said, "oh my Mommy. Nice shirt! Oh nice nice shirt Mommy." :-D How sweet is that?? This shirt is a third generation hand-me-down maternity shirt, but who cares. Piper thinks it's nice!!

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