Monday, 5 May 2014

The Peanut Gallery

We had a couple of beautiful days here in Summerside,
before it started snowing again. 

You can't have it all!

But we did take full advantage of those beautiful couple of days.

We played at the playground, 
in the backyard and on the patio.
Basically we were just trying to enjoy every moment of fresh air 
that we could.

Little Miss Elliotte has a cold still,
so her outdoor time was limited.

She had to sit inside and watch her big sister play through the window.
Like the little trooper that she is,
she didn't complain once. 
She was just happy to still be included.

As for Piper,
she had a great time exploring the backyard.
She found lots of little pine cones,
which she called "peanuts" and wanted to bring inside.

I wouldn't care too much,
except that they are sticky with sap from the trees.
I managed to convince her that the birds needed them to stay outside,
so that they could eat them.

With that idea in mind,
I went to the grocery store and bought a bag of real peanuts
for her to feed to the birds.

I know the bluejays used to love them when we lived in Newfoundland,
so I'm hoping they will want to eat them here as well.

Upon returning from my trip to the grocery store,
I gave a handful of peanuts to Piper to lay out on our patio for the birds.
A few minutes later I see Piper holding a peanut up into the air
saying, "Come here bird. I got a peanut for you!"


She did that over and over again and really believed that the birds would hear her
and would come and eat the peanut out of her little mittened hand!!

And if that wasn't sweet enough,
after she didn't get a prompt reply from any of the birds,
she took their peanuts for a little ride in her police car.
You know,
just in case a bird came along while she was out for a drive.

Oh I just love my little girls!!


My little peanut watching her big sister playing outside!
If you look closely for her little fingers,
 it looks like she is waving to Piper!! 
Piper's little Police Peanut Delivery.

Beep! Beep!

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