Oh my!
Turning thirty-five was not uneventful.
There were some really lovely parts to my day,
but there were also some very "not-so-lovely" parts as well.
Lovely part:
Climbing into Piper's bed with her in the morning
and having her sing Happy Birthday to me in her sweet little voice.
Not-so-lovely part: Having Piper have a full blown epic meltdown
over not wanting to get dressed.
And I mean FULL BLOWN with kicking, hitting and screaming!
Lovely part: A birthday breakfast at Nanny and Poppy Lynch's house
with Aunt Cindy and Uncle "Sill".
(Piper is still struggling to say her "Ph" sounds.
Not-so-lovely part: Both girls decided not to nap for the entire day.
We had some shopping to do,
but they will usually pass out in the car for at least one hour
or for the commute home at least.
Not today.
Lovely part: Shopping with my mom and having both girlies
act like polite little ladies for 99% of the time!
Not-so-lovely: Having Elliotte fill her diaper past capacity
and Piper crying for a snack
as we're stuck in a brutal traffic jam
with traffic virtually at a standstill.
Lovely: Picking up Swiss Chalet to take home for supper.
SO-not-lovely: Having Elliotte reach out and grab my lovely birthday supper
and yank it off of the table.
My chicken, vegetables, roll and sauce
were splattered all over the floor.
I honestly used my hands to scoop all of the food into a pile
and then placed handfuls back onto my plate.
Thank goodness that my mother keeps her floors spotless,
since at this point in my day,
my options were to continue eating
or start drinking!!!
Lovely: Despite my dinner's unexpected flight and crash landing,
it was delicious!
Not-so-lovely: (yes, there's more!) though it was beyond lovely
to have my family sing Happy Birthday to me
and to watch the wonder and excitement in my girls' eyes
at the sight of the birthday candles,
it was a little less lovely to watch the beautiful cupcakes get devoured
when I could not partake.
(My doctor has asked me to remove dairy from my diet again for Elliotte.)
At least the day ended on a lovely note.
Piper went to bed early
after we read some new stories and had a wonderful cuddle together.
Elliotte was overtired and was giving Nana and Poppy some heck
while I was having quiet time with her big sister,
but she immediately settled down and fell asleep
after Nana gave her my pajama top to snuggle!
I finished the day with a bowl of frozen grapes
(I'm amazed I resisted alcohol)
and a chuckle about the day.
Thirty-Fifth year, please be kind!
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