Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2015

Piper was very excited to learn that today was GREEN day.

She was happy to dress in green
and wear funny green things on her head,
but was less than enthused when I showed her that
we were going to eat green things for breakfast.

At first she absolutely refused,
but since she really will try just about anything,
she caved and tried it.

Of course she loved it.
It was only food coloring added to her yogurt and milk,
but I guess the thought of green yogurt was too much to absorb at first.

Elliotte didn't care what color her oatmeal was.

Supper was green as well.

Salmon cakes with green onions in them
with broccoli on the side.
Piper did NOT complain about that green combination.
She loves both!

St. Patrick's Day is a big day to celebrate in our house.
After all, Ireland is where mommy and daddy started dating,
so if it wasn't for that Emerald Isle
these two little leprechauns may not exist. 

Talk about the luck of the Irish! 


Green yogurt and milk.
Green oatmeal.
Even Mommy's coffee paid tribute to this great holiday.

My sweet sweet leprechauns.
Something is funny...
... really funny...
... what is it that they want so badly? 
The little sheep that was on Mommy's head! 
The little leprechaun is bailing on our photo shoot.

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