Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Reverse Advent Calendar

My kids are excited about Christmas.

They really are.

But they MUCH more excited about Nana and Poppy's visit. 
The countdown is on. 

They have started talking about all of the things 
they're going to do with them while they're here,
so I told them we could make a bucket list.
After a brief explanation of what that is,
they were on top of me demanding that I write faster!

So many fun things to do with Nana and Poppy!

Nana & Poppy Christmas 2016 Bucket List
1. Do some art projects
2. Make a mini movie theater in our house and watch Finding Dory
3. Make cupcakes with cherries on top
4. Eat treats: chips and chocolate
5. Make a pecan pie for Nana
6. Play outside in the snow
7. Visit the big airplane in Slemon Park
8. Go to Bass Pro Shop in Moncton and see the fish
9. Visit the bakery near our house for breakfast
10. Go to Charlottetown
11. Go the That Fun Place
12. Go swimming
13. Go bowling
14. Play Pie Face
15. Play play-doh
16. Colour
17. Dance while Poppy plays his guitar
18. Make homemade waffles for breakfast
19. Drive around after dark to see the Christmas lights
20. Play in the sand downstairs

Get lots of rest before you get here, Nana and Poppy!
You're going to be very very busy!


My girls helped me make a Reverse Advent Calendar box.
Each day we cross of the date and add one food item for the food bank.
We will fill it until the day that Nana and Poppy arrive!!
Then the very next day, we will deliver our box to a food bank location together.
I love how excited my girls are about this idea.
We created the box a couple of weeks ago,
so it's overflowing already.

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