Wednesday, 11 January 2017


I have not started off 2017 very well 
in the blogging world. 

I vow to be better.
For me and for remembering 
every wonderful moment with my girls as they grow.

On the Eve of Piper's birthday,
I thought I'd share a funny from last night.

This was an actual conversation at our dinner table:

Piper: I'm going to give you all nicknames! Elliotte will be Talks-Too-Much because she talks too much. 
Me: I don't think she talks too much, but she sure does talk a lot.
Piper: Okay. We'll call her Talks-A-Lot! Mommy, you can be Loves-A-Lot because you love us a lot. 
Me: (melting)
Piper: And now it's Daddy turn. What does Daddy do a lot? (Pauses to think...) I know! GRUMP-A-LOT!!!!

I decided then and there that Piper's nickname would be:

I told Piper she wasn't allowed to smile in her passport photo.
Apparently she takes direction very seriously!  
A little more relaxed approach to "not smiling". 

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