Friday, 12 May 2017

Jamaican Braids

The first time we visited Jamaica, 
Piper was only 18 months old and got the cutest 
Jamaican braids ever!

My only request for this trip was that Piper would get the braids again
and Elliotte would get them for the first time. 


And we all loved it. 
Well, sort of. 

Piper did.

Elliotte did too... for 3 hours.
After that she asked to have them taken out.
Sorry baby girl. 
For what we paid for them, 
she was keeping them in for a week -


Four years ago.
I kept her distracted with licorice... which she later threw up. 
And 4 years later.
No licorice needed, though I'm sure she would have liked some.
My grown up beauty.
It's the little one's turn!
Just as beautiful as her big sister.

Getting braids is exhausting!
Before we left, Nanny Gandy gave each of the girls some money
to buy anything they wanted in Jamaica.
They each chose this little hand sewn dolls that reverse
into another doll when you flip the skirt upside down.
I LOVE them!

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