Monday, 28 January 2013

Gone to the Dogs

As parents of a toddler, 
we are encouraged to partake in "cause & effect" activities.

We try to do this as often as possible with Piper,
but more often than not, she finds her very own versions!

In the early high chair days, 
she quickly learned that if she dropped food on the floor,
Blue would sneak under the table and eat it. 

This, apparently, is incredibly funny!

Two days ago, however, she learned
that if you time consecutive food drops just right...
you can get the food ONTO the dog instead of INTO the dog!

Did I mention I had to wash birthday cake icing out of Blue's fur?


Piper becomes Blue's favourite person at meal time!
Piper after she has made a successful drop onto Blue's back!
Do I have something on my face??
Oblivious and waiting for more!

For the record:
Piper took quite a few steps on her own today. She'll walk from mom to dad, or from the window to her little table, etc. She's not very sturdy or balanced just yet, but it's a start! 
Also, as of today, here is a list of the words that she will say: Hi, Ball, Uh oh, Dad, Down, Mum Mum (eat), bahhhhh (sheep), Pop, eye and Ahhhhh (when she's hugging something or sees Blue).
I actually think there are more works than that, but I can't think of them right now. She can be quite a little chatter bug!

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