Friday, 25 January 2013

Look Who's Standing!

Her balance may be off a little,
but we're definitely making progress!

I've been encouraging Piper to stand alone for a few days now.

Today is the first day that we've watched her do it herself multiple times.

She's still shaky, 
but she gets so excited when she's actually doing it!

Way to go my sweet girl!


Keeping balance... barely!

Piece of cake!

Her concentration is pretty evident here!

Overjoyed with excitement when she realizes she's really standing all by herself!

Oh, and for the record:
Operation Wean Piper Cee has been a success. As of two days ago, Piper has been officially weaned! Woohoo! We're not sure that there won't be a set back, but I'm pretty confident we're there! It has taken a lot of hard work and perseverance, but it sure has paid off. After a VERY rough start with breastfeeding, taking more than two long months to establish it, I committed to one year. That year was up two weeks ago, so I set a goal to see us through this process by the end of January. Who would have thought that our hard work would pay off early! Way to go Piper Cee. We're all so proud of you! And what's even better??? She has decided that sleeping through the night is a great idea also. It's like she turned one and decided that she wasn't a baby anymore. She now goes into her crib awake, puts herself to sleep and doesn't stir until almost 9 o'clock the next morning! My child is a rock star! xo

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