Thursday, 28 February 2013

One Year Needles

Here in the NWT babies get their one year needles when they're 13 months old. 

Piper was supposed to get here on February 12th,
but she was sick with an ear infection and a fever
so we had to wait.

She had them today instead. 

Three of them.

We were hoping we could distract her enough that she wouldn't even notice them.

It didn't work. 

Two nurses gave her a shot in each arm at the same time to get two of the needles over with quickly.
Then they followed immediately with the third needle.

Fast and easy, 
so it should have been easy to distract her.

But no.

As soon as they started wiping her arms with the alcohol wipes, 
she started to cry. 


It didn't last long though. 

She cried a few tears,
she got a sticker,
she smiled and started waving and saying "hi" to everyone!

Easy peasy!

Oh, and she's a whopping 21 pounds and 30 inches tall!
Impressive, until I realized that this was Jack when he was about 6 months old. 


Sporting TWO Dora Band-Aids. One on each arm!
WHAT is Dora doing on my arm?
Check out my battle wounds!
I'm a very brave little girl!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Can She Fit?

Silly little girl likes to squeeze herself into small spaces!

She's always looking for somewhere to hide!


Can she squeeze herself into the end table?
Yes she can!

Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Last week I blogged about the night that Piper handed me all of her headbands,
one by one,
until I put each of them on her head.

Well two nights ago, she got into them again.

This time, however, she proudly put one on her head
all by herself.

Then she continued playing happily,
knowing she did a great job!


Proudly wearing the headband that she put on all by herself.
Checking to make sure that it was still there! :-)

Monday, 25 February 2013

Hugs for my Friends

My little girl is so lovable.

Her new favourite thing to do is HUG. 


We babysat her little friend Duggan last Friday
and he got lots of love.

Then yesterday we went out for brunch with friends from McPherson.
 Piper had lots of hugs for 3 year old Ella!

Of course, Mommy and Daddy get the most of all. 
You should see Mark. 
He's so smitten! 


Ahhh thanks for coming over to play Duggan. xo
Ahhh, thanks for meeting me for brunch Ella. xo

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Cheapest Teether Ever

Piper is FINALLY working on a new tooth.

At 13 months old, she still only has four teeth 
and we haven't gotten a new one since the first week of December.

As this new tooth is trying to make an appearance,
we have given her numerous things to chew on.

A gel teether, a cold face cloth, the raspberry textured teether,
but Piper has no interest. 

The only thing she cares to chew on are her toes. 
Her fingers sometimes as well, but mostly her toes. 

At least they are cheap and clean! 


I think she's eating the little piggy with roast beef!!

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Regular Reader

She sits here 'reading' her book 
like she's done this all of her life. 

Sometimes I think she thinks she's 16. 


Once upon a time...

Friday, 22 February 2013

I SCREAM not for Ice Cream

I have been excited to give Piper her first taste of ice cream 
ever since she started eating solids.

At first we held off because it wasn't healthy.

Then we held off because she wasn't a good eater.

Then we kind of forgot about it,
since neither Mark nor I are big ice cream eaters.

But today, Mark came home with sundaes from McDonalds.

I saved some of mine to give to Piper after she finished her supper.

We did NOT get the reaction that we expected.

Perhaps she wasn't expecting the cold??
Either way, she cried. 
For like, TEN minutes. 
Maybe she had brain freeze??
But then again, I only gave her a little taste. 
Can you get brain freeze from a little taste of ice cream?

This child keeps us on our toes. 
She never gives us the reaction that we expect.


My child - traumatized by ice cream.
Post Screaming from Ice Cream. 

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Tonight Piper decided to clean off the shelves on her change table. 

In the process she discovered all of her headbands...
and proceeded to give them to me and wait for me to put them on her head.

She was very proud of herself.


My little flower child.
So serious... she has no idea how silly she looks.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Little Miss Mayhem

Piper was on a roll tonight. 

Busy. Busy. Busy!

While trying to make her bedtime snack, 
she managed to empty out one of the kitchen drawers,
discover an adorably cute baby in the oven window 
and then in an instant stand up in her high chair and turn around.

I managed to capture photos of each of these events, 
but I didn't get one of the moment that I looked away for 30 seconds 
only to find her standing up ON the couch!!!
I didn't even know she could get up onto the couch alone!
(I think she used her train as a step.)

Oh my busy baby.


If only I could teach her to put thing INTO the drawers...
Who's that pretty baby in the window?
Why sit when you can stand?
(We're having the same issue with the bathtub recently.)

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

My Friend Isla

Today we had a visit with Angel, Duncan and Isla.

Duncan and Mark worked together in Fort McPherson.
Angel and I became fast friends soon after they arrived.

Now living in Paulatuk, we don't get to see them often.
Today, however, they were visiting Yellowknife 
and we were able to meet them and their little girl, Isla, for dinner.

Here is a photo of Angel with our little girls. 


Wee little friends, Isla and Piper. 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Socks, Socks and More Socks

We received a package in the mail today
from Aunt Krista, Uncle Harold and Jack.

Inside were socks. 
Other things too, 
but lots and lots of socks. 

A Piper surrounded by socks is a very happy little girl!


Socks are great!
There are so many fun things you can do with socks!
First things first.
Must smell the socks.
A little young to be stuffing her bra, don't you think?
She seems pleased with the result though! ;-)
(I'm not sure what her daddy will say about this one!)

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Kitchen Cuddles

Piper will cuddle ANYTHING that is soft. 

She found a blanket at the RCMP kids' Christmas Party
and used it to cuddle on the floor. 
(I think I posted a pic of that!)

A couple of weeks ago
a dish towel fell onto the floor while Piper was playing in the kitchen.

Next thing I know,
she's cuddled into it on the floor saying "ahhhhh".

Such a silly kid!


How strange to find a blanket in the kitchen...

... but no matter. I will cuddle it anyway.

Saturday, 16 February 2013


Piper received a musical bubble machine for her birthday.
(Thank you Dan and Vanessa! xo)

Here she is in amazement at the bubbles. 
Then trying to catch them.
Then giving up and just splashing the water.


Holy smokes Mom!
Do you see what I see?
Trying to catch the bubbles! 
And if you can't catch the bubbles...
just splash.
It's just as fun!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Eat That, Jack! ;-)

Instead of "keeping up with the Kardashians",
we're busy trying to "keep up with the Martins". 

Piper's cousin Jack is 3.5 months older than her. 
(Supposed to be 5 months older, but we all know what happened there!)

Either way, we still try to keep up with him 
when ever he learns something new. 

Jack learns to crawl... Piper learns to crawl.

Jack learns to walk... Piper learns to walk.
(We're taking steps...)

Anyway, this week Jack started feeding himself using a fork and spoon.

Well, Jack. 
You may be able to eat WITH a spoon,
but Piper can EAT the spoon. 


Born with a silver spoon in her mouth?
Ha! This white plastic toy spoon is more like it. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

My Funny Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

Piper and I are still not well, 
but we are getting there. 

Here she is enjoying her Valentine presents!

When we're both well, 
we will be able to go outside and enjoy her new sled for real!


My Valentine cards, book, bubbles and new sled!
Daddy taking me for a ride in my sled.
Having fun, but anticipating a real ride in the snow!
With temps warming up to the negative-teens, it won't be long now!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

A Pic of Piper Picking

I couldn't resist.

She's not actually picking her nose.

She's sick. 
Her nose is bothering her.
SO, she keeps touching it and rubbing it.

Either way, 
this is funny!


Little Lady!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Story Time with Daddy

Today is February 12th.

Had Piper not been in such a rush to meet us,
today should have been her very first birthday!!

Instead, she turns 13 months old today!
My, how time flies!

We just had her weighed today and she's a whopping 21 lbs. 
It's hard to even remember when she was only 5 lbs. 5 oz. 

Here she is reading stories with her dad!


Once upon a time....

... there was a beautiful little girl that lived happily ever after!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Little Miss Fix-It

A few days ago the batteries died in Piper's fish tank.

She would press the button on the front and then say "uh oh" when it wouldn't turn on.

So, I brought the fish tank downstairs 
and changed the batteries under strict supervision!

After paying careful attention to what I was doing,
Piper decided to "fix"the fish tank herself.

In this photo, she would touch it with the screw driver, 
then press the button to turn it on and smile at me.

Then she would turn it off again and say "uh oh". 




(I think she may turn after her Pop for trying to fix things!)


Fixing the Fish Tank

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Fahrenheit 103

Sorry for not posting much this week. 
It's been a rough one.

Piper had a temperature of 103 that has been coming and going for 2 days.
If that wasn't scary enough, 
she couldn't keep down any Tylenol or Advil.

It looks like on top of that, 
there may be some Pink Eye.

We ended up at the hospital last night,
but she is doing better today.
She even managed to get into a little trouble! :-)

Now if only her mother could kick her cold
we would all be golden!


The girls in the house need a nurse!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Piper No-Pants?

Yesterday I put Piper down for her nap...
FULLY clothed.

About an hour into her nap,
I glance at the baby monitor and wonder why I can see her socks so well.

I looked a little closer to realize that there was a very good reason why her socks stood out.

Because she wasn't wearing any pants.

I'm not sure how she got them off, 
but this is how I found her after nap time was over!


Feeling a breeze Piper?
I think she looks just like Krista when she was a baby here.
Look what I can do now Mom!!!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Three Little Monks?

Another swim date yesterday with Wynn and Duggan. 

Piper had so much fun splashing and playing
that you can almost watch her getting more and more sleepy...

They all looked pretty cute wearing the towels 
that Mark and I gave to them for their first birthdays!

She didn't make it through lunch!

She may look very serious in these photos,
but she really did have fun!


SERIOUS cuteness. 
SERIOUS sleep!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Out Cold - Literally and Figuratively

I know I posted a similar post a couple of weeks ago, 
but I just couldn't resist this one. 

It happened AGAIN, 
so this time I took photos proving that she didn't even wake up after I undressed her! 

You would think that -50 temperature outside would wake her up
as I walked from the truck to our house, 
but no!



So tired!

Like my new hat?

We are all ready for winter to be OVER!
It's been the coldest winter here in decades and we're so tired of dressing in so many layers!
Piper doesn't seem to mind,
but then again,
she doesn't know that there are people living in this world wearing shorts right now!

Monday, 4 February 2013

If the Shoe Fits...

Apparently the porch closet needed rearranging. 

I don't think Cinderella is going to find her glass slipper here!


Multitasking: Balancing AND making a mess!

Who could get mad at this face?

Sunday, 3 February 2013

A Jewelry Thief BUSTED!

I guess this is a Piper version of thinking outside the box?

Ring stackers are fun...
if you wear them!!

The first one went on by accident...
the rest were by sheer joy!!


Carefully putting on her exquisite jewelry...
which wasn't her jewelry at all!
Here I said, "Stop. Police! Hands up!"