Friday, 15 February 2013

Eat That, Jack! ;-)

Instead of "keeping up with the Kardashians",
we're busy trying to "keep up with the Martins". 

Piper's cousin Jack is 3.5 months older than her. 
(Supposed to be 5 months older, but we all know what happened there!)

Either way, we still try to keep up with him 
when ever he learns something new. 

Jack learns to crawl... Piper learns to crawl.

Jack learns to walk... Piper learns to walk.
(We're taking steps...)

Anyway, this week Jack started feeding himself using a fork and spoon.

Well, Jack. 
You may be able to eat WITH a spoon,
but Piper can EAT the spoon. 


Born with a silver spoon in her mouth?
Ha! This white plastic toy spoon is more like it. 

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