Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Little Miss Mayhem

Piper was on a roll tonight. 

Busy. Busy. Busy!

While trying to make her bedtime snack, 
she managed to empty out one of the kitchen drawers,
discover an adorably cute baby in the oven window 
and then in an instant stand up in her high chair and turn around.

I managed to capture photos of each of these events, 
but I didn't get one of the moment that I looked away for 30 seconds 
only to find her standing up ON the couch!!!
I didn't even know she could get up onto the couch alone!
(I think she used her train as a step.)

Oh my busy baby.


If only I could teach her to put thing INTO the drawers...
Who's that pretty baby in the window?
Why sit when you can stand?
(We're having the same issue with the bathtub recently.)

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