Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Park and Play with the Chaulks

I love my child.
More than I ever dreamed possible.

Living in Yellowknife I don't have any family around
and most of my friends all have children Piper's age.

That means that there are no breaks.
I never get an evening or afternoon to myself.
MANY times I have wished to live closer to home where I could have these breaks.

I've dreamed of leaving my wee one 
in the safe arms of family members that love her too...
and then going out to a movie,
or a pub,
or a friend's house...
hell, I'd even be happy with a private trip to the bathroom on most days! lol

So you would imagine my delight,
while visiting Newfoundland,
when my Aunt Rhonda called and asked if they could have Piper for a couple of hours.

You would imagine all of the things that I would do
during those precious moments of ME time.

you're probably imagining wrong.

I froze. 
I panicked. 
I was a complete mess.

Imagine ME telling a mother of THREE
to be careful with my child,
to drive safely,
to stop at stop signs, 
not to speed. 

And how did I spend my child-free time?

Sitting by the phone waiting to hear how she was doing. 

I'm a crazy person. 
A crazy mother in the least.

In the end,
I was just fine.
I survived.

As for Piper,
she had the time of her life!
I don't think she even noticed that I wasn't around.
Mommy who??

See for yourself!


This is how I roll when my mom's not around.
Riding the dinosaur with Aunt Rhonda!
Of course the swings are a hit! 
Playing the wind chimes with Cassandra!
I told Aunt Rhonda to drive safely and not to speed.
It didn't occur to me to ask her not to let Piper drive!!!
She's having a blast and was well taken care of...
but I'm not sure what they were doing with her socks. Ha!
No time to think about mom when you're having this much fun!

After park cuddles with Ben!
AND after park cuddles with Jimmy!
(Ahem... the socks?)
AND eating turkey soup with Cassandra!
What a day!!

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