Saturday, 1 June 2013

Surprise Nanny and Poppy Lynch!

Tonight was the night of
Nanny and Poppy Lynch's
surprise 40th anniversary party!

And boy, were they ever surprised.
Not only did they have no clue about the party,
but they also had no clue
that Little Miss Piper Cee was here to celebrate with them!

A great time was had by all.
Most of all by Piper...
that was until her mother dropped her on her face.
On. Her. Face.
Her mother was not drinking.
Not a single sip of alcohol touched her lips,
yet she still dropped her baby on her face.

No Mother-of-the-Year Awards are being handed out around here!


Helping Nanny and Poppy cut their cake!

Piper and Poppy Lynch

Nanny Lynch feeding Miss P some icing!

Piper getting MORE icing from Poppy Pope and Aunt Francis!

Now that she's jacked up on icing...
it's time to dance!

And keep dancing with Nana and Poppy Pope!

Cuddles with her great-grandmother Dawe!

Four generations!
(Only one is jacked up on sugar!)

Sugar crash?

Sleeping on Poppy Pope after the faceplant onto the floor.
Mommy cried longer than Piper did,
but it was awful all the same!

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