Saturday, 24 August 2013

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

This is a good one!!!!!!

Piper loves to help put away the groceries after a trip to the grocery store.

Her favourite things to put away are the cans.
One at a time,
slow and steady,
she will put each can into the cupboard. 
She's a great help.

But today was different.

Today, while Mrs. Lynch and I were putting away other things
we turned around to find Piper with an EMPTY egg carton in her hands.

Mrs Lynch's reaction: "Oh my. For a moment there I thought she had the eggs."

My response: "She DOES have the eggs!" (Slightly panic stricken!)

Mrs. Lynch: "Where are they?"

My response: "I. DON'T. KNOW." (More panic stricken!)

And so I slowly unfreeze myself, 
and cautiously look inside one of the grocery bags...
and find twelve UNBROKEN eggs!


What are the chances??

She dumped the entire carton of eggs into a plastic bag
(note: This is a rare day when I forgot to bring my fabric bags to the store),


Mrs. Lynch jumped to put them all back into the carton,
but I quickly stopped her.
This was too good of a photo op and blog post to pass up. 

So while she stood guard of the bag of eggs, 
this mother-of-the-year once again delayed any type of clean up
or lecture to grab the camera!

This blog sometimes makes me question my parenting skills...
or parenting priorities at least!

Piper is going to grow up thinking that any naughty act results in
a photo first and THEN a lecture. Ha!!

And for the record, 
I know she wasn't being naughty here, 
just 'helpful'. 

We laughed.
She continued to put away more groceries,
not knowing what the big deal was!


This is exactly what I turn around to find.
Questionable as to if there are ANY eggs or not....
A better look reveals that, no, there are NO eggs left in the carton.
Look Mom!! I'm such a big help with the groceries!!!
Reluctant inspection of the bags revealed this!
All in perfect egg condition!
Quite happy to see all of the eggs back where they belong.
(Mommy's smile was bigger!!!)

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