Saturday, 1 February 2014

Old 'Pusser' Pete

Early on in my pregnancy,
like most women in the first trimester,
I was exhausted.

As a result, 
I used the television to entertain Piper 
more than I care to admit. 
I was in survival mode 
and it was one of the few things that helped 
get us both through the day.

During that time,
we discovered Chuggington.
They're young trains in 'training',
similar to Thomas the Tank Engine,
but a cuter British version.

Piper LOVES them.

so did her cousin Parker
who was kind enough to send his train set to Piper
now that he has outgrown it.

We often have to take Koko with us on outings,
and make sure that the four of her favourite chuggers are tucked in at night.

Next to Koko,
Old Puffer Pete is definitely her favouite.
He has ended up being MY favourite
because Piper can't say her "f's" 
and therefore affectionally calls him "Pusser Pete". 
I can't get enough of it!

Tonight we used blocks to build a tunnel for her trains. 

It's so cute to watch how careful she is with them
and how she acts out little stories for them,
all with full dialogue that keeps me smiling so much it hurts. 
Poor Koko is always stuck in the tunnel
and Puffer Pete, Wilson or Brewster always have to rescue her.

And then,
being the girly girl that she is,
she takes a break from the tunnel drama to comb each of their 'hair'. 
I'll bet in all the years that Parker and Ian played with those trains
they never once took time out to comb their hair. 


Here is poor Old 'Pusser' Pete rescuing Koko AGAIN!
Women drivers!
Here you can see each of the trains heading to the hair-do station.
Her little pink comb is ready to beautify each of them!!
And of course,
being the little picker that she is,
she couldn't peep at me through the tunnel without a finger up her nose!
It's unreal how often one (or often two) fingers are in this kid's nose.
I spoke to the doctor about it and she just laughed and told me that some kids are just pickers.

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