Wednesday, 19 February 2014

More Post-Storm Fun

Mommy's anxiety about the snowstorm and the baby
was all worth it to Piper!

The next day,
Daddy took her outside to play in the aftermath.



Sunshine and snow.
Faster Daddy! Faster! 
She was squealing with such delight at sliding down the hill behind her daddy,
that I could hear her from inside the house! LOVE!

While Daddy and Piper were playing in the snow in our front yard, Mommy and Blue went for another long walk to try to 'walk this baby out'! It's funny. I think the neigbours are noticing. Every now and then I'll pass someone who will call out and say "still hanging in there"! I just laugh and say "barely". The ladies that work at the post office know exactly what I'm doing and they laugh at me each time I walk in there and say that they're surprised I haven't walked this baby out yet! I'm very thankful that our little post office is 1 km away, as it gives me a destination to motivate myself to keep moving further than I might like. I find walking TO the post office is easy enough, but walking the kilometer BACK is always very uncomfortable. I'll bet the neighbours notice that I'm much MUCH slower on the return. Blue certainly notices, as he looks at me with such annoyance at our slow waddling pace. Oh well... at least he's out and getting walked. This momma would much rather be laying in a warm bath, but that's not going to coax baby out before he/she is 10 lbs. (That's my fear!) Nine days until our due date! Hurry baby! We are too excited to meet you!!!!

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