Thursday, 26 June 2014

Dolly Delight

Piper is a girly girl through and through.

She loves pink and purple,
flowers and tutus,
dancing and singing,
hugs and kisses,
hats and raincoats,
makeup and nail polish,
earrings and dresses,
princesses and glass slippers,
holding hands and skipping,

If it's girly she loves it.
Not to say that she doesn't also love trucks, buses and tractors,
and playing with rocks and sticks,
but she just loves the girly stuff more!

And then there's Miss Elliotte.
She is definitely showing signs of wanting to be just as girly as her big sister.
She gets giddy when we show her Dolly to her
and will coo and talk to her in between the biggest smiles!

I feel like it will only be a blink of an eye
and they'll both be asking to get their ears pierced.

Don't grow up too quickly my little princesses!



Nanny Lynch gave Piper this doll who's cheeks glow red when she's sick.
Piper calls her DONna,
(after her Aunt Donna)
and loves to take care of her!!
Elliotte has her first little doll
and she just loves to talk to her!
She wants to cuddle her as well,
but her little hands still won't do what she wants them to do!

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