Saturday, 19 September 2015

Ballet Today

We have a ballerina in the family!!!

Today was Piper's very first creative dance ballet class.

She LOVED it. 

Her teacher is amazing and so great with the little ones.
She had them bouncing around the room 
pretending to be different animals.

If you ask Piper about it,
she will tell you that she got to hop around like a kangaroo,
wiggle under a chair like a snake (she was the leader for that one)
and pretend to hide behind little bushes from a tiger.

I sat out in the hallway to wait with Elliotte.
I could hear Piper's giggles of delight from where I was sitting.
She loved it even more than I thought she would!

When the class was over and we were driving home,
Piper was quietly pondering something.
When she finally spoke up,
she told me that she didn't actually dance in dance class.


I explained to her that even though she wasn't actually 'dancing',
she was still learning how to move her body.
I told her that we sometimes jump like kangaroos when we're dancing, right?!

She smiled at that and said that she DID learn how to wiggle.


I may have caught her teaching some of her new moves
to her little sister this evening!


A ballerina and a ballerina wannabe. 
Fourth position... or something like that.
Elliotte had to dance some ballet for the camera too.

Piper is one of the little ones laying on the floor.
I'm not sure if she's supposed to be or not.
Time for her solo performance!
Elliotte and I waited in the hallway with Sylvie and Caitlin.
Sylvie is in the class directly after Piper,
so it was lovely to have them keep us company while we waited.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures and stories, Karla. The girls are growing up so fast.
