Monday, 21 September 2015

Fresh Garden Goodies

It wouldn't be a trip to visit Nanny Gandy
if we didn't go out into her garden.

While Piper is now a pro gardener,
this was Elliotte's first time.

It was pretty evident in their work ethic.

Piper did most of the picking,
and Elliotte did most of the eating.

I didn't think so.


Piper picking the fresh peas.
Elliotte eating the fresh peas.
She couldn't get enough.
I had to take them away from her because I was afraid too many would hurt her belly. 
Elliotte headed out to the pea plants to pick her own,
but little legs don't always cooperate in the garden beds.
Her dirty little bum after falling in the garden.
After I stopped feeding her the peas, she decided to help herself
to the ones that Piper had already picked.
Elliotte pulling up her very first carrot.
She was probably trying to figure out why in the world anyone
would bury a carrot in the dirt!
This little pro is just proud of her 'catch'. 
Potato time!
Piper was diving right in there picking them out of the dirt.
Elliotte wasn't far behind.
Proud of their potato! 
It's always important to take time to stop and smell the flowers. 
Nanny Gandy's beautiful garden!

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