Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Dental Duet

Today was a busy day for my little ladies.

First off to the Mommy and Me gym 
for a 60 minute workout.

Then to the dentist for Elliotte's check-up
and Piper's follow-up appointments.

Then off the the salon for a haircut for Miss Piper.
(Elliotte cried for a haircut too,
but I wasn't paying $12 to cut hair that doesn't need cutting!)
Sorry little one.
Mommy's on a budget!

We came home for a quick lunch
before Daddy took the girls for a walk on the trail,
while Mommy went to the track for a run.

After all of this excitement,
there wasn't much time left for anything
other than a fun bath in Mommy's big bathtub
and then a yummy supper
before bed.


Busy days = Tired girls.

And a tired Mommy.
Good night!


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