Thursday, 17 November 2016

World Prematurity Day

Today is World Prematurity Day.

A day to bring awareness to the world
about how many babies are born prematurely each year.
And about how many of those babies
would not survive if it were not for the
care of hospital staff 
and advancements in medical studies. 

If you go back to my third blog post ever,
you get to meet Piper Cee.

Born at 35 weeks and weighing less than 6 pounds.
(She was just over 5 pounds when we brought her home
from the hospital.)

Today Piper is a happy, healthy and very tall four year old,
who celebrated this day by registering for kindergarten!!!

Mommy, Daddy and little sister couldn't be more proud!


Just yesterday!
Our preemie helped rake up those leaves
and then had a blast jumping in them!

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