Friday, 17 August 2012

In Utero ~ May 2011 - January 2012

Here is a photo timeline of Piper in utero. 

The only bonus to having complications during pregnancy is getting extra ultrasounds, which in turn gives you extra photos of your baby and extra reassurance that everything is going okay!

Since we did not know if she was going to be a boy or a girl, we were still calling her "Little Lynch" at this point!


Our little Bumble Bee
6 weeks 4 days

A tadpole? Or a grape maybe?
7 weeks 4 days
Finally looking like a baby!!
10 weeks 4 days

Growing growing growing!
16 weeks
Okay. This is another photo from 16 weeks.
It freaked me out.
I was convinced that my baby was going to be born without eyelids!

More than half way there!
19 weeks
Happy Halloween
24 weeks
The last official photo before "Little Lynch's"
grand arrival, taken just 10 days before the big day.
34 weeks

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