Friday, 17 August 2012

Welcome and Intro

Out for a hike with Mommy, Daddy and Blue on Tincan Hill, Yellowknife  29.7.12

I've been toying with the idea of starting a "photo a day" blog of Piper for a few weeks now. The endless plea by family and friends for MORE PHOTOS has lead me here, which I think will satisfy everyone. My plan is to add a photo (or two) and a little blurb about her each day as I enjoy some Mommy-time, but since that time seems to be scarce lately, we won't get ahead of ourselves and make any promises just yet, so bear with us. We will try our best! I will also try to post some older photos to try to catch up on the 7 months that I was too tired and sleep deprived to start this blog!

Piper turned 7 months old this week and is the absolute joy of my life! I often just sit and watch her. I have no idea how many minutes/hours/days have passed by as I just sit and watch. I have always heard people talk about how you won't know love until the first time you hold your child. They were so right.  Knowing that I am her mother and she is my child is the most amazing feeling.

So for just as much of my benefit as yours, I will try to post a photo each day and a mini blog to record Piper's little life that is surrounded with such BIG love. I hope to show this to her someday, and if I do a good job as a mother, I hope she will appreciate and enjoy it!

Please be patient as I play "catch up" over the next couple of weeks, since I have 7 months worth of daily photos to post. I will try to do them themed batches so that we don't have 1000 posts in two weeks. (Plus I just don't have the time to do that).

Let the photos begin!

I hope you enjoy!

Piper Cee's Mommy

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