Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sister Storytime

Every now and then there is a peaceful silence in my house.

It's rare.
But it happens.

Silence usually means trouble,
but not always.

This was such a good day.


Piper was reading a story to Elliotte here.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Daddy's Dangling Darlings

There's alway lots of fun to be had
when Daddy is around.

Mommy is not nearly this brave!


Mark usually starts off doing silly things to make Elliotte laugh.
It always ends up with her big sister begging to have the same done to her.
Not always so easy for daddy with the weight difference between the two!!!!

Friday, 28 November 2014

Santa Claus Parade 2014

Tonight we went to the Santa Claus parade!
Elliotte's very first,
unless you count last year when she was there,
but still on the 'inside'.

Piper and Sylvie had a blast
as they sad bundled up in the wagon
and where showered with more candy 
from the parade floats
than what they received on Halloween!

Elliotte was less impressed at first.
She doesn't like being bundled up too much,
since then it's impossible to get her beloved thumb in her mouth.

Once I turned the stroller around,
 so that she could see the floats and flashing lights,
she was fine for the duration of the parade!

All the little girls had a lot of fun!

The mommies and daddies too!


Cuddled up in their front row seats.
Snug as a bug in a rug!
A float from the bakery went by and handed out cookies!
Both girls grabbed them up and looked at their moms
in shocked excitement!
Where's my cookie?
Hot chocolate time!!!
THE moment when the both spotted Santa.
And Rudolph with her little red nose?
Santa is passing and is looking right at her...
I think she's a little nervous that he remembers her
from their recent photo shoot.
... And happy again because he passed by without repercussion. 

Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth + Nine Month Comparison

What a big and exciting day in the Lynch household today!

Not only did our little Elliotte turn nine months old,
but we discovered her very first tooth!

Piper was so excited when I announced that the first tooth
had finally made an appearance. 

Her excitement quickly diminished
when she jumped up to see it
and discovered that there wasn't an actual full TOOTH
poking out of Elliotte's gums.


Gee, that kid can make me laugh!

She was so disappointed and you could tell
that she didn't see what all of the hype was about.
Elliotte's mouth looks the same today as it did yesterday.

Piper can be so funny!!

(Oops. So in posting a comparison photo today,
I didn't really think that the girls looked alike.
That was until I accidentally posted multiple photos of each girl
and they got jumbled together.
Then I had to really look
to see which photo was of which daughter.
I had to leave it as is to show you what I mean.
Can you guess the baby?)


Who am I?
Some are easier than others.
And some aren't so easy!
Trouble #1?
Or Trouble #2? 
Hint: This little trouble maker got her first tooth today! 
Double trouble!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Breakfast is Snow Fun

 Sometimes you gotta have a little fun,
even if you're severely sleep deprived
and are just barely functioning,
thanks to caffeine!

Whatever makes our little girls smile!


Mommy's snowman pancake
with chocolate chip eyes and buttons.
(Ahem. Notice Daddy's attempt in the top right corner!)
Breakfast smiles!
Baby food is so boring....!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

No. No. Ho ho ho.

Jingle bells.
Jingle bells.
Jingle all the way..
to therapy!


I have a feeling that Santa won't be in a rush
to get to our house this year! ;-)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Our Little Funny Farm

My little girls have started playing together.

Elliotte always loves it.

well, she's adjusting.

Since Elliotte has started crawling
(aka pulling herself from one place to the next
like a wounded soldier)
Piper has been forced to share her toys.

It's not always pretty,
but like I said,
she's adjusting.

This day it was pretty indeed!

Other days... 
well lets just say that one hasn't made the other bleed yet!


My little farmers tending to the animals.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Fur Babies

The snow has arrived!

That means that it's time to dress for the cold.

That also means that we get to be super cute
in hoods with fur!!!


The little one would stay out in the snow all day long if we'd let her.
Must have something to do with being born in the North!
The summer was long,
but this was worth waiting for.
Piper's first snow angel of the winter.
There have been many days lately
when I think there should be horns on this silhouette
and not wings!
Look at me in my little parka.
I just know I'm beyond adorable! 
Her Uncle Harold calls Elliotte his little cabbage patch doll.
I think that's about right!

Things have been testy here in the Lynch household, with Elliotte still not sleeping. It has caused for a very exhausted momma that doesn't have nearly as much patience with her children as what they deserve. I find myself too exhausted to even laugh at some of the cute things that are happening around me daily... but there are some exceptions. Last night, for example, Piper noticed Blue's bum for the first time in a loooooong time. So far I have gotten off easy with having to explain the dog's anatomy, since Piper automatically assumed that his penis is his belly button. I refuse to correct that one just yet! But last night I caught her tilting her head to the side and accessing Blue's bum. She then looked up at me and asked in a very matter of fact way, "Mommy, is that Blue's vagina?" Yeah. So I was not too tired to laugh at that. It happened more than 24 hours ago and I'm STILL laughing at it. I'm so tired, but not too much to love my girls.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Blue

Blue's birthday was on September 30th.
We were in Newfoundland,
so his party was postponed until our return.

He didn't seem to mind
and the girls were happy to celebrate with him.


The birthday boy and his best buds!
Blue's cake.
Piper blowing out Blue's candle.
I love how Blue is watching Piper here,
just as intensely as Elliotte is watching him!
Waiting patiently to eat the little bone on his paw.

Equal happiness.
Messy happiness.
Opening his present.
This tennis ball is a very intense present! 
The party was too much fun for one little one!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Ernie and Dip - Live

I can't believe that I forgot to post about this earlier.

While we were in Nova Scotia for Jack's birthday party,
we also took in a live Sesame Street Dance show!

It was great!!

Some loved it more than others.


The show!
A very happy little girl waving to Ernie and Dip.
Less enthused, but still happy and having fun!
And over excited?

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Olaf Olaf

Piper loves the movie Frozen.
Elliotte loves listening to the music when Piper is watching it.

Piper has declared herself to be Anna.
She then dictated that her Nana Pope is Elsa.
Guess who got stuck being Olaf.

Oh Elliotte.
I have a feeling you will be stuck 
being worse than the snowman 
in the future. 


This is what happened here in PEI this week.
Of course my little Frozen fan needed to touch the snow
and make a snowman,
even though it was dark outside.
Then she needed to feed some of said snowman to Blue?!?!
As our real Olaf met his doom and melted,
our adorably pudgy Olaf came to investigate what her big sister was doing.
Oh little girls.
You won't like the snow as much when you have to shovel it!
It's hard to tell,
but pudgy Olaf is not very happy here.
She dragged herself through the remains of the real Olaf
and now her pajamas are wet and cold.
She didn't like it!