Sunday, 23 November 2014

Fur Babies

The snow has arrived!

That means that it's time to dress for the cold.

That also means that we get to be super cute
in hoods with fur!!!


The little one would stay out in the snow all day long if we'd let her.
Must have something to do with being born in the North!
The summer was long,
but this was worth waiting for.
Piper's first snow angel of the winter.
There have been many days lately
when I think there should be horns on this silhouette
and not wings!
Look at me in my little parka.
I just know I'm beyond adorable! 
Her Uncle Harold calls Elliotte his little cabbage patch doll.
I think that's about right!

Things have been testy here in the Lynch household, with Elliotte still not sleeping. It has caused for a very exhausted momma that doesn't have nearly as much patience with her children as what they deserve. I find myself too exhausted to even laugh at some of the cute things that are happening around me daily... but there are some exceptions. Last night, for example, Piper noticed Blue's bum for the first time in a loooooong time. So far I have gotten off easy with having to explain the dog's anatomy, since Piper automatically assumed that his penis is his belly button. I refuse to correct that one just yet! But last night I caught her tilting her head to the side and accessing Blue's bum. She then looked up at me and asked in a very matter of fact way, "Mommy, is that Blue's vagina?" Yeah. So I was not too tired to laugh at that. It happened more than 24 hours ago and I'm STILL laughing at it. I'm so tired, but not too much to love my girls.

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