Friday, 28 November 2014

Santa Claus Parade 2014

Tonight we went to the Santa Claus parade!
Elliotte's very first,
unless you count last year when she was there,
but still on the 'inside'.

Piper and Sylvie had a blast
as they sad bundled up in the wagon
and where showered with more candy 
from the parade floats
than what they received on Halloween!

Elliotte was less impressed at first.
She doesn't like being bundled up too much,
since then it's impossible to get her beloved thumb in her mouth.

Once I turned the stroller around,
 so that she could see the floats and flashing lights,
she was fine for the duration of the parade!

All the little girls had a lot of fun!

The mommies and daddies too!


Cuddled up in their front row seats.
Snug as a bug in a rug!
A float from the bakery went by and handed out cookies!
Both girls grabbed them up and looked at their moms
in shocked excitement!
Where's my cookie?
Hot chocolate time!!!
THE moment when the both spotted Santa.
And Rudolph with her little red nose?
Santa is passing and is looking right at her...
I think she's a little nervous that he remembers her
from their recent photo shoot.
... And happy again because he passed by without repercussion. 

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