Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Princess Prizes

Our house is filled with princesses.

Small chubby ones,
tall lean ones
and Disney ones.
( Ahem. 
Some may argue that there is a tall police officer one here too,
when there is a spider around! Ha!)

We did not push girly things on our girls,
but they gravitated towards it anyway.


That just about sums up our house.

Mark is adjusting!


Piper showing off her new Princess book that she received as a prize
for filling out her potty chart (in the background).
We are now at 6 days in a row with pee in the potty.
Fingers crossed that diapers will soon be a thing of the past for this one!
Daddy zerberting Elliotte's belly is a big hit for this one!
Daddy's prize is simply the love his littlest princess shows him everyday!

Elliotte's sleeping has gotten worse, which means that not only are we all cranky and tired here, but we're also worried about her. We took her to the doctor yesterday and were sent for allergy testing this morning. The test itself didn't go over very well with our littlest lady. It took a prick to the heel and finger and six vials of blood to get what they needed for the test. Poor Elliotte cried and cried and cried. It was heartbreaking, but necessary. Hopefully that will be the last of the testing and we will have good results soon. Piper, who was in the waiting room while E was getting her test, could hear the crying. When we came out of the lab, Piper did everything that she could think of to cheer up her little sister. The very crowded waiting room was filled with melting hearts as they watched. I was one very proud momma! xoxoxo

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