Wednesday, 31 December 2014

An Electric End to 2014

Twenty-Fourteen has come to an end
and what a wonderful year it has been.

Sure there were ups and downs, 
but the ups definitely outweighed the downs.

The most significant event that defined this year
was quite obviously the addition
of Miss Elliotte Paige to our family.

Watching our little Piper become a big sister
was equally exciting.

We couldn't feel more blessed!!

I will use my last blog post of 2014 
to do the ten month comparison between my girls,
which is four days over due.
(Elliotte was too sick to dress up and model for my blog!)

It was quite convenient that Nana and Poppy Pope
are visiting in time for this post,
since they were in the photos that I took 
on Piper's ten month birthday.

They were only too happy to oblige
and pose for our comparison shot.

As for Piper, 
she was equally eager to participate 
once she realized that the loonie rides were involved.

Here's where we found our "Electric End" to 2014.

When Piper 'tested' out the first car ride for Elliotte,
it started moving 
just as I was about to insert the loonie into the slot.

I was confused at first and figured that there must have been a coin
sitting just inside the slot that I pushed in with my own coin.

A free ride.

But then it happened again!


I knew this time that there was no way that it was caused
by a stuck coin.

What was going on?

When I tried it again,
I got a shock as the coin touched the metal slot.

My father and I were confused and laughing,
while Piper happily rode the ride 
for the third consecutive time. 
(That would never happen in the real world
and she knows it!)

That was when I decided to take Piper's winter jacket off of her,
so that she could keep riding in comfort.

The next time I went to put the loonie in,
the ride didn't start.

Well that was no fun.

Until I realized that the electric shock was probably what was starting the ride,
and it was most likely due to the static electricity
generated by Piper's big winter jacket.

I took her coat, 
rubbed it over the coin slot
and then shoved it in the ride by Piper's feet.


Another free ride.

If it hadn't been New Year's Eve
and if we hadn't been in a rush to get home,
I think we'd still be there riding that car today!

It was so funny and so fun.

I tried doing the same trick on other rides that were around,
but it didn't work.

that and the fact that Mark was terribly embarrassed 
that I was rubbing Piper's jacket all over the rides. 

Hey, we're on a budget and this was free fun.

And another major bonus 
was that Piper's jacket was second-hand
and I only paid ten dollars for it.

That means that the jacket paid for itself in no time!!!!!!


This momma is always happy when she gets 
a bang for her buck!

Happy New Year everyone.

I hope 2015 is your best year yet!!


Piper riding her first loonie ride at 10 months old.
And Elliotte's turn at 10 months!!
Piper having lots of fun.
And Elliotte having lots of fun!
Piper wearing the infamous static-y jacket
in the ride that just kept going and going and going!
Elliotte joining her for the marathon of loonie rides.
Elliotte was having more fun on the horses.
Piper giving high-fives to Elliotte who thought it was hilarious!
High Fives all around.
Nana got in on the fun too!!

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Dollar Store Delight

I found this little dinosaur
at the dollar store.

You put a foam ball in his mouth,
squeeze his belly
and the ball goes flying into the air.

It cost three dollars.

It was worth a million in little girl giggles.

(Blue liked it too!)

Piper helping Poppy load the dino,
under the strict supervision of Elliotte and Blue.
Elliotte thinks this is beyond hilarious!

Monday, 29 December 2014


To view these photos,
you'd almost think that my two girls
adore each other every moment of every day.

Don't be deceived.

They do love each other.

But adore...
not so much.

I'm not sure how many times I'm expected to say,
"Move your toy, not your sister!"
in the run of a day,
but it's often enough that it just might be Elliotte's very first sentence.

My warnings are for Piper.

Elliotte has already started to protest
and grab back her stolen toys.

With only 10 pounds difference in their weight,
I'd say "watch your back, Piper!
Little sister isn't always going to be quite so little!"


And kisses.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

In with the Old, Out with the New?

It feels and looks
like there are a million new toys in our house since Christmas. 

Yet before bed tonight,
both of my girls stuck to playing with their old toys.

It's always the way, hey?!



Elliotte is playing with the little table that Piper received
for her first Christmas,
while Piper is playing with all of the play food that she received
from Santa last Christmas
and from her Aunt Susan for her birthday.
While Piper is putting all of the food on her table
in preparation for a party that she is throwing,
Elliotte is trying to master standing up at the little musical table.
She keeps falling down, however,
since she lets go to clap and wave her arms in the air to dance!!!
I mentioned in a previous post that Miss E has been sick.
Miserable is more like it.
Instead of being up with her every 1.5 hours as normal,
now we're up almost ALL night long.
Yet, during the day, she's still a happy clapping and dancing little gem.
Big sister is giving Little One a kiss to make her feel better.
I put vaseline on Elliotte's nose to help with the rawness,
but big sister kisses help much better.
(As long as big sister doesn't catch this cold too!)

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Santa Babies

I know Piper is not a baby,
but she'll always be MY baby.

(Sorry for the short posts.
Elliotte is sick, 
so I'm only getting about an hour of sleep a night.
Not enough to stay on top of things.


Santa Baby.
Happy to have turkey dinner!
Elliotte could care less about the presents.
She just wanted to climb over everything
to get to the ornaments on the tree!
Still trying to get to those ornaments.
Christmas paper is even more fun than presents!!!!
Piper dancing with Elsa while Elliotte watched...
... but then Elliotte joined in.
Elliotte helping Blue unwrap his first present.
Piper helping Elliotte unwrap her first present.
THAT moment when they first saw that Santa had been here!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Elliotte's First Christmas

Post pending. The little elf herself is currently asleep in my arms. It is 11:15 pm and this is her third time awake since her 9:00 bedtime. Looks like it's going to be an exceptionally long night for this momma. I think her runny/stuffy nose may be adding fuel to the already out-of-control waking fire. 

I have no idea how I pulled off Christmas for my family, brunch for Mark's buddies that had to work today and a turkey dinner tonight. Mark is a wonderful help with many things, but it amazes me that my zombie-like state can be helped at all. Wish me luck with making it through tonight. 

I will add photos tomorrow when I can get out of this chair and near my computer!

Merry Christmas eve one. I hope you all had a beautiful and merry Christmas. Just watching this special occasion through my children's eyes has made it beyond special for me!


"That" moment when they first see that Santa was here!
Baby's first Christmas!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The Stockings Were Hung...

The photos speak for themselves tonight.

Which is lovely
because I just want to go to sleep.

I cannot wait to see the excited faces 
on my beautiful girls in the morning!


The tree is up and the topper is on!
Why is there a tree in our living room?
And why is a snowman sitting on top of it?
And what about those lights?
What is going on?
Cookies for Santa are made...
... and tested!
Quality control right there!
Reindeer food has been sprinkled outside. 
The tree is decorated.
The kids are clean, fed and dressed in their Christmas pajamas!
The cookies, milk and carrot are set out for Santa and Rudolph.
The stockings are hung on the fireplace with care.
We're ready!
With the two little ones nestled in their beds,
Santa has finally arrived!
To all a goodnight!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Pull Ups

I have no idea what is happening in the universe right now,
but for some reason
Piper decided to potty train herself this week.

I'm not kidding.

Completely out of no where.

We did provided her with all of the tools, 
taught her how to use them, 
offered rewards for trying and/or succeeding
and always always ended with proud celebrations,
but we never got to the stage
where we said we would actively start trying to potty train.

We're still too tired from Elliotte not sleeping.

But last week Piper had other plans.

I guess she was tired of waiting for us to push her
and decided to take matters into her own hands.

She just started asking to pee on the potty.

Then to poop on the potty.

Then one night I realized that her potty seat
could be removed from the potty and attached to the toilet.

Once Piper saw this
she was SO excited.

Now she wants to pee on the toilet and not the potty.

Then Barb and Wes took her for a shopping day with them.

Being the proud surrogate grandparents that they are,
they bought her princess panties and pull ups.
(Along with just about every other toy in the store,
but that's another story. Ha.)

So now we have a little girl
who refuses to wear diapers,
demands to wear panties 
(we're only brave enough to try the pull ups yet)
asks to pee/poop on the potty when the need arises
AND even wakes during the night asking for help.

A self potty training toddler.
Merry Christmas to ME!!!!!!!


Mommy's Christmas present right there!!
Not to be outshone, Elliotte read the side of this box and followed the directions.
It says "pull-up".... so she pulled herself up! :-)

Monday, 22 December 2014

Boo Boo and Poo Poo

Let's start with "Boo Boo". 

Little Miss Elliotte is still waking every 1-2 hours
throughout each and every night. 

We are so thankful that she has a wonderful doctor
who is doing everything she can to find out the cause.

Earlier this week we met with a pediatrician. 

She was equally wonderful. 

I now feel like we're really on our way to figuring this out. 
Elliotte needs her sleep 
just as badly as her mommy needs hers!

Today we were sent for more blood work.

This time they are testing for Celiac disease.

Needless to say, 
we are praying that the test comes back negative,
but at the same time,
we'd be thankful that it wasn't something more serious. 

Prayers are welcome!

The last time she had to have blood taken,
it took almost 45 minutes
and consisted of me holding her down
while the nurse pricked her foot (and later finger)
and squeezed her blood  into the vials 
drop by drop.

SIX vials.

She screamed so much.

It. Was. Awful!

This time around was much better.

She had two wonderful nurses
who approached me to discuss the easiest way to do this.
They asked if they could attempt a vein,
as it would be quicker and easier.

All I needed to hear was that it would be easier for Elliotte
and I immediately agreed. 

I pinned her against me,
another nurse kept her arm stationary
and the other used the butterfly needed to take the blood. 

Three minutes.
A little crying.
No screaming.


Look at who found her boo boo.
I was a very brave girl today!!

And now let's talk about "Poo Poo".

Whenever Elliotte is having a nap,
Piper and I try to have some big girl time together
and play with things that are too small for Elliotte.

Two days ago we played with pompoms. 

Piper was having fun pretending the big ones were mommies and daddies
and the little ones were the big sisters and babies. 

Then I made Blue.

That led to Blue doing his poo poo.

Piper was so quick to grab a plastic bag
and use it to clean up Blue's poo. 

Boy! Did I ever laugh. 


Pompom play.
There's our pompom Blue with his pompom poo.
And our pompom poop cleaner-upper. 
And the discarded poop! :-)

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Face Plant

... plant. Piper busted her top AND bottom lips on the kitchen floor yesterday.