Sunday, 31 May 2015

Fifteen Month Comparison

I'm about to give up on the monthly comparisons.

Now that Elliotte is running around,
it's really hard to try to recreate photos. 

Just let me show you...


Here's Miss Piper at 15 months old. 
Here she is.
Actually standing still for 3 seconds... 
... before she started dancing and twirling...
... and clapping at her awesome dance moves...
... then it's time to crawl into the play kitchen...
... before trying to steal the camera...
... may as well take a moment to climb on Daddy...
... before crawling under the little table to play with the tea set...
... back into the kitchen...
... you didn't think I'd sit still to drink my tea, did you??
... Back to climbing on Daddy...
... before stealing Mommy's car keys.
Why not run into her bedroom? 
... And climb on Piper's bed?
Wait a minute?
Did Mommy close my door to try to corner me into staying still for a picture? 
And she did.
She really did.
She learned how to open her door by herself today.
All of this happened within a span of 10 minutes.
I gave up trying to get a good photo after this!!!

It's much easier to get a good shot of Piper these days!
Here she is dancing while I was chasing Elliotte.
This kid loves to twirl!
(Thank you for the best twirling dress ever, Uncle Phil and Aunt Cindy!)
And the bow!

Piper and Elliotte have been sharing a room for about two weeks now. It was going much better than expected, since Piper wasn't waking up when Elliotte would call out in the middle of the night for some milk. Who would have thought that within just a few days of moving into her big sister's room, Elliotte would actually stop calling out for milk. YEP! Ever since last Friday, Elliotte has slept through the night. I am one happy momma!! Rested? Not so much. Piper has been having "bad dreams" and comes into my room once (or more) a night. Oh well. Eventually we'll get to the point of sleeping all night again! I'm excited and proud either way!!!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Princess' Throne is Getting Crowded

The big yellow chair next to our dairy bar is getting crowded.

Every year my neighbor, Claire,  and I keep adding one more little girl.

This year we have Sylive who is 4,
Piper who is 3, 
Caitlin who is 2
and Elliotte who is 1.

Claire's turn is next! ;-)


Friday, 29 May 2015

Cause When You Gotta Go...

... you gotta go!

This was on our drive back from Nova Scotia.

Both girls were so exhausted from all of the fun that they had,
that they passed out during our drive.

Piper woke up needing to pee so badly,
that she was crying. 

I could see a rest stop up ahead, 
but accidentally missed the exit. 

At that point I was on the road heading toward the Confederation Bridge
with nowhere coming up to stop.

So we made our own stop.

Piper though it was hilarious.

She told me that she was watering the flowers!!!!

She did not, however, like the cars speeding by 
while she did her business.

Fun times!


Can you hear the raindrops watering the flowers? 

Elliotte was watching and laughing too!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Nova Scotia Getaway

I'm trying to get back on track with my posts,
and to catch up to my current photos.

So here are a cluster of photos from my quick trip to Nova Scotia with the girls.


Piper just loves cuddling with Jack.
Jack, on the other hand, not so much!
Bouncing with the neighbors was super fun!
There is no better treat than watermelon on a hot summer day!
Elliotte learned to drive! 
And Jack's neighbor was so incredibly kind enough
to treat all of the kiddos with Frosty's from Wendys!
They were all pretty happy about it.
A trip to the Valley was an extra treat during our trip!!
There are now FOUR wee ones in our crew.
Look who Piper got to hold!!!!
And look who I FINALLY got to hold!
Nathan's little brother, Miles!
I'm about to melt from baby sweetness here!
Elliotte didn't get to hold anyone,
but she didn't seem to care.
Elliotte enjoyed some bubble time back in Dartmouth with Nana. 
Once again, who needs toys?
Krista's house is full of toys,
yet all three kids were captivated with the laundry basket! 

Nana has never loved laundry so much as this day,
and that's saying something!
Piper is in this photo too!!
Elliotte has her trapped! 
A treat for who?
I think both are enjoying this moment. 
Pajama time while watching a show before bed!
This is what happens when you have too much fun!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Syd's Farewell Tea Party

I still have a more photos to share 
of our trip to Nova Scotia 
and the week or so since we've been back,
but I have to share some of the photos from today first. 

We had such an amazing day!

One of our little friends from playgroup is moving away next week,
so today Piper and Elliotte hosted a tea party
at their house to say farewell.

Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best
and came ready to play.

It was so lovely!

The kids started off by playing around our house
while the mommies chatted.

Then we moved into the kitchen where tea was served.
(aka pink lemonade)

Then the party moved outside where the weather was beautiful.

The kids had a blast playing on the slide, 
with the water table, bubbles, the sandbox
and the tea ball set.



Just a small portion of the spread that was laid out for our guests.
Elliott's little friend was the first to arrive.
Elliotte was born just a few hours before Zachary!
This was as good as it gets when trying to get a photo of these three together!
Even the teeniest guest was having a blast!
Tea is served!
But where's Elliotte?
Can you see the top of her head?
She was using her chair as a slide!
And she's back!
The kids just loved being served!
These two just crack me up.
They think they're as big as the big kids!

The party moved outside to the patio.
All the kids were content to play around the water table...
... except for one.
Elliotte had to play IN the water table!
Little monkey!
Time for an ice cream break!
Of course this little one was not about to be left out. 

I think she enjoyed it.
Piper was a little lady and helped her friend down the slide when he called for help!
Next it was off to the sand box.
What a bunch of happy little kids!
We're sad to see one of our friends go,
but it was really lovely getting to know him and his momma!