Monday, 25 May 2015

Take Nana to School Day

So we didn't quite take Nana to school, 
but this is as close as you'll get
for a three year old that doesn't go to school yet.

Cooking school it was!

Elliotte came too.

Elliotte got restless.

Cooking class ran late.

Elliotte was an hour past her nap time.
This kid does NOT like to miss her nap.

It got a little bit ugly there for a while,
but we did survive. 

Just barely.

But we did.

And brought home Mother's Day cupcakes to tell about it.


This little tag-a-long was hoping to learn something new too!
My studious little girlies.
Piper starting to mix up the cupcake batter with Claira.
Now it's time to cut up the fruit and make the fruit dip!
Nana was only too happy to help with the fruit.
And Piper's only to happy to have the help!
She doesn't need any help eating the fruit and dip though!
This little one looks like she had a little too much of something else.
That's not even your hat little girl!
And the best part...
decorating her cupcakes!

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