Thursday, 28 May 2015

Nova Scotia Getaway

I'm trying to get back on track with my posts,
and to catch up to my current photos.

So here are a cluster of photos from my quick trip to Nova Scotia with the girls.


Piper just loves cuddling with Jack.
Jack, on the other hand, not so much!
Bouncing with the neighbors was super fun!
There is no better treat than watermelon on a hot summer day!
Elliotte learned to drive! 
And Jack's neighbor was so incredibly kind enough
to treat all of the kiddos with Frosty's from Wendys!
They were all pretty happy about it.
A trip to the Valley was an extra treat during our trip!!
There are now FOUR wee ones in our crew.
Look who Piper got to hold!!!!
And look who I FINALLY got to hold!
Nathan's little brother, Miles!
I'm about to melt from baby sweetness here!
Elliotte didn't get to hold anyone,
but she didn't seem to care.
Elliotte enjoyed some bubble time back in Dartmouth with Nana. 
Once again, who needs toys?
Krista's house is full of toys,
yet all three kids were captivated with the laundry basket! 

Nana has never loved laundry so much as this day,
and that's saying something!
Piper is in this photo too!!
Elliotte has her trapped! 
A treat for who?
I think both are enjoying this moment. 
Pajama time while watching a show before bed!
This is what happens when you have too much fun!

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