Saturday, 8 August 2015

Taiwan Meets PEI

Who needs to go back and visit Taiwan,
when Taiwan comes to visit you?

We had the most fantastic weekend 
when our friends Duncan and Jenny,
along with their two girls
and two Taiwanese students,
came to visit us on July 25th.

We met Duncan and Jenny when we lived and taught in Taiwan.
I taught at the same high school as Duncan,
and Jenny and I shared a class of middle school students.

Duncan is originally from Nova Scotia
and Jenny is from Taiwan.

They met there while both were teaching English,
got married,
had two BEAUTIFUL girls
and have just relocated to Nova Scotia
within the past few months.

I can't even describe how excited I was to see them.

And THEN they show up with enough food to feed an army.

Chocolate treats,
Taiwanese treats,
Oolong tea,
homemade strawberry jam...

I am spoiled!

And our girls all got along incredibly well.
It was an absolute joy to have them around.

Jerry and Jack were the two students
that were in Canada for a few weeks 
while attending an international language course
at Dalhousie University.
They were so good to us as well.
And to Blue!
That dog was given so much loving attention
that I think he's still depressed that they left.

And the best part for me...
after the kids were all tucked into bed at night,
the adults all gathered around the table to play Mahjong!

Duncan and Jenny taught me how to play using the Taiwanese rules
when I was living there.
I LOVED it. 
I couldn't get enough of it.
I would have played every night if I could have.
So, before I left Taiwan,
I bought myself a beautiful set of Mahjong tiles.

They had never been used until now.

I was happy.

Simply happy!!

Jack and Jerry kept laughing as we played,
saying that when they thought of all the things they'd do in Canada,
coming to PEI and playing Mahjong was not one of them. 

And now Piper is obsessed with Chinese everything.

We'll be sitting at the dinner table and she'll ask me to say,
"gee long".
So I say, "gee long".
Then she tells me that that means 'bee' in Chinese.
This kid!


Taiwan meets Miscouche!
Erinn taking care of Elliotte.
She is simply amazing with the little kids.
We've talked about her coming to spend a week with us next summer!
She wants me to teach her how to braid hair
in exchange for her helping me out with the kids for a week.
I'd take her for a month.
Piper asked Jack to join her in her 'tree house'.
The kids were being a pain,
so we did this to them! Ha!
We last all saw each other in 2006
when Mark and I stayed with Duncan and Jenny for a week
on our way home from Australia.
Back then Erinn was the only wee one.
Now we have four.
Lizzie and Piper were great little buddies!
Really great little buddies.
There were a lot of giggles shared between these two.
Lizzie and Jack made themselves at home in the kitchen.
Did I mention how great Erinn was with the little kids?
Hair twins. 
Duncan and Jack won their way to Elliotte's hear this morning.
They kept feeding her bacon and grapes.
She was so happy that she was clapping her hands.
Piper and Lizzie making grumpy faces.
Happy faces. 
Surprised faces.
Double trouble! 
This makes me so happy,
though you wouldn't know it from this picture.
I was waiting for one tile
when Duncan won.
I'm paying him and not happy about it.

Sorry for posting so many photos, but I'm trying to catch up on my posts before Nana and Poppy arrive on Monday!!

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