Friday, 27 November 2015

Santa Claus Parade 2015

Piper was beyond excited about the whole thing.

Elliotte was not.

She was tired and wanted to go home. 
It wasn't until the parade really got going
that she decided it might be okay to stay.

She was content to sit with mommy for a while,
but then insisted on sitting next to Piper, Sylvie and Caitlin on the curb after that.
SUCH a big girl!

Piper was waving at Santa and yelling out "Hi".

That's a huge improvement from last year.
We may have a standing chance at a decent photo with Santa after all. 


I bundled them up, even though it was 10 degrees outside.
That's quite a bit warmer than the other years,
but the wind was a little cold!
Family photo + Sylvie.
She's just like family, so why not!
My failed attempt at a photo of all four girls.
Zachary and his mom and dad came out too!
Oh, and his little brother that is growing in his momma's belly!

Ho Ho!

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is too close for comfort but the kiddos are ready obviously.
