Thursday, 31 March 2016

Got Milk?

I have two very happy little girls here today!!!

Nanny and Poppy Lynch have arrived.

My girls are bursting!


The cow in the airport is always exciting!
Elliotte started milking the cow and saying "bum, mom. Bum!"
Say "Milk"!

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Poor Man's Pizza

It's a bare bones kind of pizza night in our house.
A couple of pizzas with no toppings.

Where did all of the toppings go?

Ask the 'help'. 


Too busy 'helping' to smile for the camera.
Where are the pepperonis?
They keep disappearing.
Any ideas?
How about the peppers, mushrooms or olives?
Cheese. Some cheese actually made it onto the pizza.
All in the same spot, but at least it made it past Piper and Elliotte's mouths!

Monday, 28 March 2016

Easter Wagon Ride

Here are the photos of our Easter Sunday wagon ride!

Elliotte kept asking to go again today.
We would have if we hadn't planned a play date already.

If only she could understand that Spring has sprung
and soon we'll be able to go for a wagon ride every day!


Three of my favorite loves! 
My baby sure is growing up!
Sunshine in your eyes... what a wonderful complaint after the winter!
I love it when this guy tucks his ears back for photos.
It's like he's trying to be cool or something! xo

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Happy Easter 2016

Today was a lovely Easter Sunday,
even if the Easter Bunny is waiting until Friday to visit our house!

It's bound to be more fun with Nanny and Poppy Lynch visiting,
so that's our plan.
Thankfully the Easter Bunny was happy to oblige and postpone his visit.

My girls played together SO incredibly well today.
Happy Easter to ME!
Piper loves pretending to be a mommy and Elliotte loves pretending to be a baby,
so they compliment each other very well when they both want to play house.

We also took advantage of the beautiful sunny day to go for a walk and wagon ride. 
We haven't been outside much this winter
due to the flu bug invading our house for weeks on end.
It has made for a long winter.

The fresh air must have given Elliotte quite an appetite. 
I cooked the traditional Newfie turkey dinner for supper, 
but with a chicken instead of a turkey since it was only for the four of us.

Elliotte couldn't feed herself fast enough,
so she kept asking me to help her eat so that I could literally shovel it into her mouth.
I'm not even sure she was chewing.

She ate EVERYTHING on her plate.
Chicken, dressing, cranberry sauce, gravy, potato, cabbage turnip and carrot.
She mostly kept asking for more and more chicken and dressing,
but would settle for the vegetable bites 
while she was waiting for me to cut up more chicken.
She ate everything that was on her plate 
AND almost everything that was on mine!

I honestly had to go and refill my plate in order to eat anything.
I couldn't even take a bite of my own supper
because little grubby guts was begging me to feed her faster than she could feed herself. 
If that wasn't a compliment to the cook
I don't know what is!

Piper ate everything on her plate as well,
making sure that she had cabbage because she likes to toot. 
(Shaking my head!)
She just took a LOT longer because it's really hard to eat when you can't stop talking!!

Happy Easter everyone!!


Happy little ladies!
Not so happy little lady.
She was so tired after getting up at 5:30 this morning and wanted her 'sleepy' blanket.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Aunt Kista Wannabes

A couple of nights ago
Mark towel dried Piper's hair after her bath.

Her hair looked all kinky, curly and shorter,
so when Piper looked in the mirror,
she exclaimed that she looked just like Aunt Kista!

Of course little Elliotte had to beg for the exact same treatment as her sister.

Both little girls were very pleased with their new
Aunt Kista dos.


Good try Piper, but Aunt Kista's hair is much tamer than this!
Tamer than this little ham's hair as well! 

Friday, 25 March 2016

Get Well Soon Georgia

One of Piper and Elliotte's little friends
has been in the hospital for the past couple of nights.

She's doing great now,
but was quite sick with the flu,
which was turning into pneumonia. 

Piper has been very concerned about her,
so we made this sign today,
which we emailed to Georgia's mommy to show to her.
She sent us a photo of her smiling,
which was the best thing ever!


Working hard.
Piper is all about the awkward poses now!
This is the closest to a smile I could get out of Elliotte.
She's too busy for photos!

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Postal Politeness

I've said it before and I'll say it again,
our local post mistress is fabulous!

Today we had a million errands to run,
so we stopped into our post office along the way.
Mark ran in to check our postal box for mail,
and then came outside to the van saying that the girls had to go inside.

Out we all jumped to have the girls check the mail.


Tammy never forgets them.
No matter what the occasion,
she always has a small treat of some sort waiting for them in our postal box.

One day she even let Piper go behind the counter
and check our box from the 'wrong' side.
Piper thought she was the queen that day!

Even Blue gets treats when we take him there.

Post office.


Just checking the mail and wearing her soccer medal.
And it's GOOD chocolate! 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Naughty Muffins

Yesterday the girls and I decided to bake some
Pumpkin Bran Chocolate Chip Muffins.

They were eager to help,
especially with the eating part.

A couple of times I asked the girls not to touch anything,
while I turned around to wash my hands at the sink.

I didn't think anything of it.

We baked the muffins and then saved them to have for dessert after supper.

Supper was 'Dough Boy Soup" according to Piper.
I suppose it's a better name for it than pea soup,
since the last time we had it,
Piper was so sad that she didn't get a single pea in her whole bowl.
I figured out that she was looking for whole green peas in her soup,
not realizing that the entire thing was made of yellow split peas.

So Dough Boy Soup it is!!

After Piper ate THREE bowls of her soup,
she asked for a muffin for dessert.
(Elliotte has just cut her fourth canine tooth and is CRANKY.
She only ate three spoonfuls of soup. Sigh!)

While eating our dessert muffins
I told Piper that she and her sister are wonderful bakers,
as the muffins were delicious.

She asked me if I wanted to know why they were so good.
Of course I said yes.

She then said, 
"they're extra good because I stirred them up when you asked me not to."

Good to know Piper. 
We have now renamed them from Pumpkin Bran Chocolate Chip


Naughty and nice?
More like naughty and naughty. ;-)
This would be the nice stirring.
The naughty stirring was obviously when my back was turned!
My three loves!
Piper, Elliotte and my Kitchen Aid Mixer. Ha!


Mark and I find ourselves laughing at the girls more and more frequently these days. With the two of them chatting to each other, there are so many funny things being said. To us too!!!

Elliotte is putting five and six words together in sentences now, so things are really getting interesting. Today she looked at me and said, "I don't know Sleepy is", when she was looking for her little sleepy blanket. Then when she saw that I had it and told her it was time for her nap, she ran towards me saying, "okay Mommy. I'm coming!" Yep. Full conversations now. I can't help but laugh at the sentences coming out of such a mini person!

And though Piper is a scholar when it comes to talking, she is on a roll too!

A couple of weeks ago she looked at her father and said, "Daddy, can you please ask Mommy if I'm allowed to have a snack?"! Hahaha. She knows who's boss!!!!!!!!

And then today she told me that I looked like a lady. Knowing full well that I was going to regret asking the question, I asked her what I normally look like. Her answer: a grumpy tired mommy. 
Ouch. At least she's honest!

Monday, 21 March 2016

Trying to be Twins

My girls love dressing alike,
which is wonderful because I love it too!

I'll keep doing it for as long as they will allow it.
(I'm thinking it won't last long.)

For right now,
I'll enjoy it to the fullest
and love watching how excited they get when they're 'twins'.


All the big girls are wearing jeans and a sweater.
At least that's what Elliotte thinks.
She's trying to grow up too fast!

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Better Behavior

I know my kids are feeling better,
when their behavior gets worse!


Monkey see. Monkey do.
Piper thought it would be fun to lay on the ottoman like this.
Elliotte couldn't wait for a turn of her own,
so just climbed on board.
Next they would slide down and crash in a pile on the floor.
In a pile of giggles I should say!
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Take Me to the Movies

Thursday (St. Patrick's Day) was the day 
that we took Elliotte to her very first movie at the cinema.
It was Piper's second.

Normally I wouldn't have taken Elliotte,
as I don't think she's really old enough,
but it was a special family event for our local Family Place
where we go to play group and where Piper goes to preschool.

That meant cheaper prices for us
and Elliotte was free.

Why not make it a family day?
Especially after the brutal month we've all had with battling colds and flus!
Even Mark came along!

It was great!!

Elliotte sat back in her seat and said, "wow" when the movie started.
She was in a trance. 

Piper sat up happily with her little kid bucket of popcorn...
of which she ate three pieces.

Either way, 
the movie was a total success.
It did take place during Elliotte's nap time,
so she did get restless nearing the end of the movie,
but in all fairness, 
so did all of the other kids around us.
It was a school day, 
so all of the kids there were 5 or under.
We were all on the same page and dealing with the same things.

Watching Elliotte and Piper enjoy the movie 
was show enough for me.
They both giggled during the funny parts
and as Piper would say "popped up" during the startling parts.
So much fun!!

Even Mark enjoyed the show.
We saw Zootropolis.
We had no idea what it was about when we decided to go,
but were so incredibly pleased to learn it was all about the police!!
The perfect movie for Daddy to join us!

After the show was over,
Mark looked at me and grumbled,
"Carrots saw more action during her first week on the job
than I've seen in almost three years in PEI". 


Elliotte is not taking her eyes off of that screen to look at the camera!
This little one isn't afraid of a photo op!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun

I'm sure I've posted before 
about how Piper likes to put peanuts out on our patio for the bluejays.

Well we heard them calling out for their treat a few days ago,
and obliged by putting a plate of peanuts 
on the top of the girls' little slide. 

Piper and I sat at the table colouring
(Elliotte was napping)
when I noticed a little friend stealing our peanuts.

Piper and I had the greatest time sitting at the window
and watching the little squirrel gather and hide the peanuts!

Elliotte missed the big show,
but she did get to see him when he came back for a few minutes
the very next morning!


Ooooh look. A whole plate of peanuts for little ol' me!
A quick trip under the bbq to see if it's a good hiding place...
... and a little trip down the slide.
All work and no play is no fun!
His hiding place for the peanuts was less that stellar.
He's going to have to work on that.
Blue found them immediately when he went outside
and had a little snack for himself. 
Watching him the next morning was fun,
but he didn't stick around very long.
That's Piper's picture in the window.
She drew it to let the birds know that it's safe to come and get a peanut
and that we're not going to hurt them. 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

It's Not Easy Being Green

It's St. Patrick's Day!

That means we have to dress in green
and eat green food... right?!

Of course!

The girls loved it. 


Green pancakes and in the process of making green milk.
Very happy with everything green,
even though she kept asking for orange.
Mommy's green pancakes
and there just might have been a splash of Baileys in that coffee!
I tried to get a good photo of them dressed in their green,
but no on was in the mood.
Especially this one,
who is still getting over a long cold.
You can pin her hair back 500 times a day,
yet 5 seconds after you do, it ends up looking like this!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Slowly Recouping

We are slowly recuperating!


Today was a vomit-free day.
I hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that. 
We still have 4 hours to go.

Both girls slept in this morning,
which is a sure sign of sickness.
That and yesterday Piper didn't eat the second half of her cupcake.
That's serious!

Hopefully we all have another good night tonight
and then we're back to being our healthy selves tomorrow!

If so,
we're going to the movies!!!


It was all snuggly until Piper touched Elliotte.
Elliotte retaliated with a few kicks.
That didn't end well.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Cling On

Elliotte has now decided to sport the nasty flu symptoms!

Around 11pm last night, 
I heard her calling out for me to pick her up.
When I went into her room,
she looked up at me and said,
"mess, mommy, mess". 

I look and see that she has vomited over everything in her bed.

Poor little thing.

I pull her out of her crib
and stick her in a warm bath.
Then I gathered up all of her favourite sleeping things
and threw them in the washer on an express wash.
I thought she would be more upset about being sick,
but she surprised me and kept her cool.

She would cry when Piper was throwing up,
and Piper would look at her and say,
"It's okay Elliotte. Piper's okay.
Don't you worry sweetie. Piper's going to be okay."
No joke. 
Piper is 4 going on 40!

After I had pulled Elliotte out of the bath
and was dressing her in clean pajamas,
she looks up at me and says,
"Pa Pa Trow?"

Little ham!

It's past 11 o'clock at night and she's asking to watch Paw Patrol!
Lucky for her that we still had to wait for an hour
before the laundry would be washed and dried.
(And I wanted to watch her for a little while 
after giving her Tylenol to make sure she kept it down.)

It ended up being a late night Paw Patrol marathon
for us!

And as for Piper...
she slept through the whole thing.
We were in her room cleaning, 
changing sheets,
getting clothes...

Until 1am anyway.
That's when she had a bad dream 
and climbed into my bed.

Where art thou?


You can still see that Piper is sick by her eyes..
but that didn't stop her from playing today.
She thought it was hilarious that the balloon stuck to her
from the static. 
Say cheese?

Monday, 14 March 2016

Time to Bait your Books?

Piper taught Elliotte how to fish yesterday.

They were sitting on their river BED,
baiting their BOOKS.
(Sorry, I couldn't resist. I love puns!)

Piper came up with idea,
most likely because we're getting cabin fever
and are going stir crazy
after back to back to back colds/flus.

I could hear them giggling and playing together happily in their room,
so I didn't interrupt.

When I did notice a moment of silence,
I went in there to check on them.
They were quiet because they were both concentrating so hard
on trying to catch a 'fish'.

I absolutely LOVE Piper's imagination and creativity.
The inside of her mind must be a beautiful place!!


They're getting ready to catch a big one!
Piper has hooked a book, but Elliotte lost her fishing rod!
Hooray! Elliotte hooked a fish too!!

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Literate Inmates

Last night was rough.

Would you believe that even our dog is sick now?!
No joke.

I was up with both girls again last night
(fevers and coughing)
until 2:00. 

When we woke up this morning,
I discovered that Blue had vomited sometime during the night.

I need this flu bug out of my house.

Thankfully my little girls were happy to 
quietly play together this morning,
while Mommy snuggled into Piper's bed
and pretended that no one was sick.

A crib and a few books was the magic combination.

Thank you girls!


My little reading jailbirds.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Sad Sleepy State

And the plague has struck our house.

Elliotte woke up in the wee hours with a fever,
followed by Piper coughing,
followed my daddy with a Man Cold. 

So what did I do about it?

I left. 

No joke.

I had been planning a baby shower for a friend for the past month,
so I couldn't exactly not show up.
I was one of the hosts. 

Thankfully Mark was feeling a little better before I left,
probably due to the cocktail of cold/flu meds that he took
earlier in the day.

I came home to a quiet sleeping house!
Well done, Daddy!
Well done.

Piper is sleeping in my bed
because that's where she likes to be when she's sick.
Miss Elliotte is snuggled down in her own bed
because that's where she likes to be.

Now it's my turn. 
I hope we all get more sleep than we did last night.



Hi. My name is Elliotte and I refuse to wear pants!
If you put me to bed wearing a pair,
you will find them on the floor the next morning.
Ask me where are my pants,
and I will shout, "ta da"!
Big sister perks up a little during the days,
but by supper time, she's out for the count.
She even asked her daddy if she could go to bed tonight.
A sure sign that this little is sick!