Thursday, 3 March 2016

Sister Snackers

Every now and then my girls will act like best friends.

That's in between the bickering and fighting of course.

A couple of mornings ago
they were playing quietly in their bedroom together, 
so when Piper came out and asked if they could share a snack in there
I was happy to oblige.

I gave her a cup of Goldfish each. 
(Yes. Still eating leftover fish from our guppy buffet.)

When I went in their room to check on them a few minutes later,
I discovered that Piper had dumped all of the Little People
out of their bins
and turned them over to make a table each for her and Elliotte.

Such a small gesture,
but they were both so happy.

Days that start off like this tend to be very very lovely days!


I would rather eat these two up than the fish crackers!

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