Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Cling On

Elliotte has now decided to sport the nasty flu symptoms!

Around 11pm last night, 
I heard her calling out for me to pick her up.
When I went into her room,
she looked up at me and said,
"mess, mommy, mess". 

I look and see that she has vomited over everything in her bed.

Poor little thing.

I pull her out of her crib
and stick her in a warm bath.
Then I gathered up all of her favourite sleeping things
and threw them in the washer on an express wash.
I thought she would be more upset about being sick,
but she surprised me and kept her cool.

She would cry when Piper was throwing up,
and Piper would look at her and say,
"It's okay Elliotte. Piper's okay.
Don't you worry sweetie. Piper's going to be okay."
No joke. 
Piper is 4 going on 40!

After I had pulled Elliotte out of the bath
and was dressing her in clean pajamas,
she looks up at me and says,
"Pa Pa Trow?"

Little ham!

It's past 11 o'clock at night and she's asking to watch Paw Patrol!
Lucky for her that we still had to wait for an hour
before the laundry would be washed and dried.
(And I wanted to watch her for a little while 
after giving her Tylenol to make sure she kept it down.)

It ended up being a late night Paw Patrol marathon
for us!

And as for Piper...
she slept through the whole thing.
We were in her room cleaning, 
changing sheets,
getting clothes...

Until 1am anyway.
That's when she had a bad dream 
and climbed into my bed.

Where art thou?


You can still see that Piper is sick by her eyes..
but that didn't stop her from playing today.
She thought it was hilarious that the balloon stuck to her
from the static. 
Say cheese?

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