Friday, 11 March 2016

Aloha from our Luau

Today Piper seemed to be feeling a little better.

 Last nightsShe ate something that wasn't on the BRAT menu,
and kept it down.
Yeah for fish tacos!

When she woke up this morning and asked for an eggo.
She ate TWO.
Hooray for sick kids feeling better.

She was playing and having fun,
so I asked her if she'd like to go the the luau at play group
or stay home and rest.

She chose the luau.

We went.
We had fun.
Lots of fun.

But my little one is now back to laying on the couch
and has another fever.

Not fun.

She has perked up a little bit again tonight,
but I doubt we'll be going to ballet.
Not unless we have an amazing night 
and she's dancing around our house in the morning.

Miss E still seems to be evading this bug.
Keep your fingers crossed for us!


The girls' Easter dresses are the brightest thing I could think to put on them
for this Hawaiian themed party.
(Even if we did wear sweaters over them.)
Elliotte having her Hawaiian snack... a cracker. 
Piper enjoying some fruit at least.
You can see her eyes are sick in this photo.
She started to really look like this during the luau
and then got worse when we got home.  
A table makes for a great place to play!
Hula girls!
She may be small, but Elliotte is gonna try what ever Piper and the big kids are doing.
Her new favourite things to say are,
"I do it. Elliotte do it. I try."
She's so indépendant and determined!

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