Monday, 30 September 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Blue

I apologize for a slight delay, 
but the photo for this post will have to wait until tomorrow.

You know what to expect at least. 

I will update as soon as I get back to PEI.


Okay, so I'm back to PEI and am ready to post about Blue's 5th birthday.

Every year I bake special PUPcakes for Blue's birthday.
Since we were busy this year and in Halifax,
we decided to stop by Three Dog Bakery instead
and spoil Blue a little.
He ended up with four mini pupcakes and a Woofie Pie.
That store cracks me up!!!!

This year I feel absolutely stinking rich.
Not with money.
Not with jewelry.
Not with properties.

I'm rich with love for my little family!

It's when we share moments like these
that I can't contain myself with happiness.

After this was all over 
and Piper and I were sharing our pre-bedtime cuddle,
she kept singing,
"Happy to. Happy to. Happy Bluuuuue. Happy to."

I'm a "Happy Mommy"!


Piper and Blue admiring Blue's four 'pupcakes' and his 'woofie pie'.
Even though Blue needed help blowing out his candles,
he still looks like a typical 5 year old that didn't intend to share that special act! 
Smart dog.
Immediately goes for the giant Woofie Pie first! 
Piper wanted cake as well.
I'm SURE she would have been happy with a pupcake,
but we thought a 1/2 moon might be more appropriate!
(She blew out the candle all by herself... twice!)
No complaints here! 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Double Skype Date

What's better than Skyping with one grandchild?

Skyping with both!


Double trouble!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Jack

 Today is Jack's 2nd Birthday,
so Piper and I bummed a ride to Halifax with Kim yesterday
so that we could be here to celebrate.

A fun day was had by all!


Our fun day started off with a ride to the duck pond in the wagon!
In this photo they are both checking out a "very hungry caterpillar" on the path!

And Jack ditched Piper for a ride in his Dad's arms. Piper found a new companion though!
When we got home we played on the back deck!
Jack admiring his reflection in his balloon.
Jack showing us that he's "TWO".
Jack eating his cake by dipping his truck in the icing and licking it off.

I think Piper was also enjoying the cake!!

Friday, 27 September 2013

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Another Visitor

There are still many photos of Nana and Poppy's visit,
but we will catch up on those soon enough. 

For now, however, 
we have some current photos to post.

Piper's cousin Kim is visiting for a couple of days.

The first night that Kim was here,
Piper was a MONSTER!

There is no other word to describe her.

She had her 18 month needles 
(all three of them)
the morning before and they made her cranky!
She didn't sleep well that night,
which made her even MORE cranky the next day.

I think if I had been Kim,
I would have picked up my bag and headed back home
after seeing how Piper acted that evening.


Today was a new day though,
and Piper was back to being Piper. 

She was fluttering her eyelashes at Kim (literally)
 by the time that breakfast was over,
and was quite the charmer for the rest of the day.

She was even holding hands and singing 
"Row row row Your Boat"
around the dinner table again.

Ohhhhh this child!


Reading books with cousin Kim!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Not-so-Fun Fruity Fact ~ 17 Weeks

In keeping with our fruit inspired posts
comparing the size of Piper's little brother or sister-to-be,
we tried for an "onion" shot. 

Is an onion even a fruit?
I would call it a vegetable...
but then again,
I've been known to be wrong once or twice.

I believe that Piper also disagrees with it being labeled as a fruit,
since she flat out refused to hold it. 

Oh well.

I tried.

Average size: 5.1 inches, 5.9 oz.


(A little dramatic if I do say so myself!)

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Dinner Theatre

Does anyone else have a kid 
that comes up with these crazy things out of nowhere??

Are all kids like this?

Piper recently learned the song,
"Row Row Row Your Boat".

When she wants you to sing it with her,
she will keep saying "Boat. Boat. Boat. Boat."

Then, for some reason, we all have to hold hands and sing it. 

As if it isn't funny enough for my family
to be sitting around the dinner table holding hands and singing...
you can imagine how silly we all felt
when she insisted we do this at Swiss Chalet. 


"Merrily merrily merrily...
life is but a dream!"

Sunday, 22 September 2013

North Rustico

Piper went for a little tour of PEI with her grandparents today.

We drove, and drove and drove and drove!

About seven hours in total,
and Piper only fell asleep when we were 5 minutes away from home. 

North Rustico was our favourite spot
and we can't wait to go back there again some day.

Piper LOVED the playground there
and a great time was had by all.

It was a lovely way to spend her last day with Nana and Poppy.
We will miss them very much,
but at the same time,
we are VERY excited for Daddy to return home tomorrow.

For ten days, when Piper asks for Daddy,
 I've been telling her that he is on an airplane.
She says "up, up up" when I tell her this.

Now whenever she hears an airplane go overhead
she points up and yells "Daddy"!

She will be so excited to see him tomorrow!


For a one year old,
Piper sure has clocked a lot of miles driving!!
On the see-saw with her Mommy and baby brother or sister-to-be!
Being an old fisherman!
Admiring the pumpkins while squishing Mommy's pumpkin!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Post Nap Cuddles

It's not very often that Piper wakes up in a cuddly mood.

She is a VERY cuddly child,
but usually when she first wakes up
she is happy and excited and ready to run!

Just try holding her back.

she woke up and just wanted cuddles.

It didn't matter from who,
just lots and lots of cuddles.
For more than a half an hour!!

Neither grandparent was complaining.

Well, they did complain a little if one hogged her more than the other!


We thought that she had fallen back to sleep here,
but nope.
Just loving Poppy cuddles. 
I'm not sure if she even noticed the switch up here.
She is just loving the cozy cuddles.  
Starting to un-cuddle a little bit,
but only enough to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Fun Fruity Fact - 16 Weeks

Our Littlest Lynch is now the size of an avocado. 

Average size is 4.6 inches from head to rump
and weighing in at an impressive 3.5 oz.

They say that eyebrows, eyelashes and hair are growing in by now.

Well gee, if this baby has half as much hair as what Piper did when she was born,
then no wonder I'm so tired!!

I'm making enough hair in there for ten babies!


Once again trying to peel the sticker off of the avocado!
Holy Guacamole!!
My baby brother or sister is getting big!!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Cruising at Kent

Little Miss has gotten a new tooth.

She FINALLY has the four front bottom teeth,
the ones that many kids have by the time they're 12 months old. 

Piper is amazing us daily with her growing vocabulary
and has been putting two and three words together to form mini sentences
for a few weeks now. 

I think she's too busy talking to grow teeth!

She can tell you in words that she wants to give Blue a cookie,
but she can't chew up a piece of meat. 
Such a funny kid.

the reason I mentioned the new tooth was because it caused Piper
to wake up during the night last night 
and then again at 6:45am for the day.

This made for a tired and cranky toddler
during our drive to Charlottetown this morning.

She was whining and kicking and wanting OUT of her carseat.
Going shopping was not exactly her idea of fun once she was out,
until Nana found the best shopping cart ever!

Of course, 
she had to share the fun with her two best boys!


Very serious as she follows the rules of the road! 
Getting a little more relaxed and driving faster through the aisles!
Of course she wouldn't dare go for a drive without her two co-pilots!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Mommy's Birthday Cake Showdown

Who wants the cake more?

The one year old with a mean sweet tooth?


Her pregnant mommy who is often hungry enough to eat her own left arm?

I would say that Piper won...
seeing as how she ate half of one of the candles. 
Wax won't hurt her right??

It was a great birthday with Piper Cee
and my mom and dad.

Piper and I really missed her daddy today
(he's in Edmonton for 10 days for a friend's wedding)
but he was wonderful enough to send flowers!!


I actually feel bad for the cake here.
We are both eating it with our eyes!
Mommy trying for a birthday kiss...
but Piper is much more interested in the cake!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Giddy Up Poppy

Nanna and Poppy Pope have come to visit Piper Cee
and she is having the time of her life!

Besides being showered with presents and kisses,
she's been showered with lots and lots of attention.

Poppy will need to go home to get a vacation!


Giddy up, Poppy!!
What could be better than a ride in the laundry basket
pulled by Poppy?
A ride in the laundry basket, pulled by Poppy
AND with the bus balloon with Ernie and Dip in the bus!
Bus + Ernie & Dip + Balloon = Happy Happy Piper! 
And another ride again after lunch with some extra passengers!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Classy Lady

It just doesn't get any classier than this!


Who needs pants when you have rubber boots
and a Halloween bucket?

Sunday, 15 September 2013


Today was Open Farm Day in PEI,
so Piper and I decided to head on out to see some cows and sheep.

Everything was swell 
and Piper was loving seeing the cats, dogs, horses,
sheep, and baby cows.

The gigantic mama cows, however, were a different story.

We went inside a small metal barn
to see the baby cows. 

There were a few mama cows in there who were quite close to us.
They really are quite large and intimidating,
so Piper only wanted to view them from my arms.

That was until one mama looked up and "MOOOOOOOOOOed".

Then Piper only wanted to view them from a distance.

A FAR AWAY distance!

She just about jumped out of her skin when that cow mooed,
and then she started to cry.

Everyone around us thought that it was pretty funny.

Piper didn't.

What did Piper's mama think??

Maybe a little too much info here, 
but since Piper has been constipated for a few days,
I honestly hoped that the cow had frightened the poop out of her.


Happy to be outside with the cows that are too busy eating to Mooo!

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Out for the Count

After spending a lovely weekend in Nova Scotia,
Piper was tuckered out and ready to go home.

Even though we left at around 10:00am,
Piper was practically asleep before we pulled out of the driveway!

Being a one year old trying to keep up with a four year old 
must be exhausting.
Crazy fun,
but exhausting!

Proved to be a very peaceful 
4 hour drive home!


As we pull out of the driveway to start our trek home...
... an hour or so into our drive... 
... and after we had stopped for lunch!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Not Just the Bus

You know that Ernie and Dip
are frequent passengers on Piper's bus,
but were you aware that they are also fans of other forms of transportation as well?

Thanks to Nayson for being such a great sharer,
they were also able to check out some other 'rides'. 

Poor Nathan.
I'm sure he didn't realize that Piper comes as a package deal
and sharing must include everyone. 


Ernie and Dip find a fancy ride on board Piper Cee Airways!
Of course, Ernie had to go for a drive with Miss P.
A break for a little Ernie cuddle!
Ummm, I'll bet Nathan really didn't foresee having to share his toys
with Piper's DAD!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Rules of the Road

Piper had a wonderful time playing in Nayson's police car.

It was probably her favourite thing to do while we were there...
besides follow Nayson around like a lost puppy.

Perhaps Santa was watching and will deliver this mini Mountie 
her own cruiser!


Daddy giving P a lecture on not drinking and driving.
Perhaps we should have a chat with Daddy
about not drinking and lecturing. lol
Jeepers Dad!
You do know that I'm only one, right?!
Just out for a Sunday drive. 
We told her to give N a push.
Well, she listened?!?! 
Why are you laughing?
You said "push" and I pushed.
You never specified which end to push from!!
Filling up the tank with gas from the gas pump so that N can be on his way!