Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Fun Fruity Fact - 15 Weeks

I still have enough photos from our trip to NS
for two more posts,
but I thought I would "squeeze" this one in here tonight.
Pun intended!

The Internet says
(and we all know that the internet is always right, ha)
that Piper Cee's little brother/sister-to-be
is roughly the size of a navel orange. 

Note: The length of the baby is measured from crown to rump
(the top of the head to the bottom of the bum). 

Navel Orange:
Average size: 4 inches, 2.5 oz


Piper can't wait to 'squeeze' her baby brother/sister!
And doing what Piper loves to do.
She's picking the sticker off of the orange.
She tries to do this while still in the shopping cart at the grocery store,
but we discovered that this can cause quite a headache
for the cashier!

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