Sunday, 30 March 2014

Dishpan Hands

Blogging is starting to be a little more difficult,
as I'm trying to type with my left hand
and balance a sleeping Elliotte with my left arm.

Since Big Bertha,
 (oops I mean Elliotte) 
is 10 pounds already,
my arm is starting to hurt 
so this will be the end of this post!


Mommy is not usually this happy to be doing dishes. 
But a certain somebody made it a little more fun today! 
No dishpan hands for this little one... yet!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Family of Four

They say a photo is worth a thousand words.
I think this one says:
1. Mommy is exhausted
2. Daddy is being resigned to being outnumbered three to one!
3. Piper is TROUBLE
4. Elliotte is just happy being Elliotte!
Love at first sight!
Sister love!
My little pea in a pod. 
Sleeping beauty!
A replica of a photo that we had like this of Piper. 
Pretty in pink.
Still pretty in pink. 
Even prettier in pink!
Daddy's princess. 
Content as usual.
First formal photo!
Mini Mountie
Tiny perfect little toes. 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Thank Goodness for Spring ?

It's been Spring for how many days? 

Could have fooled me! 

Two days ago,
we had the worst snowstorm that Mark and I can remember. 

The eye of the storm was directly over us
and it was madness. 
I don't usually get nervous during storms,
but I was nervous this time.

I thought that the windows in our house might blow in. 

I'm not sure if I was actually worried about damage to the house
and the expense that would cause,
or if I was just worried about how to keep my girls safe
if that actually did happen.

Either way,
it was a scary night!

I'm SO thankful I didn't have to worry 
about going into labour on top of it! ;-)

They say there is a silver lining to everything,
and they're right.
(In this case anyway!)

The next day,
after the wind died down,
Piper and I had a great time out on our patio.

I shoveled snow for more than an hour,
which will help to burn off some of the 50 pounds that I still have to lose
(thank you Elliotte)
and Piper had a wonderful time playing in the snow
and sliding down her slide!

So what if we don't have a Spring.
I'm ready to skip it altogether and jump right into Summer!


Blue wanted to go outside... so we opened the door!
Piper thought it was super cool!
This is FUN mom!
But this is MORE fun!
And a certain someone could care less about the snow!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

A Snowy One-Month Birthday

It's hard to believe that Elliotte is one month old already!

It's been a whole month since we met out littlest princess!

And how did we celebrate?
By shoveling. 

What a snow storm we had last night!
It was madness.

I believe that something like 40-50 cm of snow fell?
Mix that with the crazy winds and it was a nasty nasty night.

I'm so thankful that I wasn't still pregnant
and anticipating labour during THAT storm.

I'll post some photos of the post-storm shots tomorrow.

For now,
just a couple of Elliotte and her big sister
on her one-month birthday!


Piper showing Elliotte her little police truck
(that she was afraid of until today apparently?!?). 
Happy one month birthday little sister! 
Blue wants in on the fun too!
(Notice Elliotte watching Piper. She does that a lot!)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Short and Sweet

There is a nasty nasty storm brewing outside.

That means that it's time to fall asleep listening to the wind.



Short and sweet...
and all dressed up to go for a Sunday drive with the family!
Shorter and just as sweet!
Look at those cheeks.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Hello Ollie-It

Piper is very anxious for Elliotte to be big enough to play!

During tummy-time today,
she insisted on calling Elliotte on the phone
and then making her talk on it. 

I think Piper is just pleased that Elliotte stays in one place
and puts up with whatever she does to her.
Unlike Blue,
who growls and walks away!

So cute,
but you can't take your eyes of of her for a second.


Hello Ollie-it!
Calling her sister on the phone!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Post-Pool Princess Pampering

Taking advantage of Mark's pat-leave,
we are trying to get out as much as we can...
with a newborn in tow. 

It takes us FOREVER to get ready to go anywhere,
but eventually we do get out of the house.

It just seems that by the time Piper has eaten breakfast
(she's the slowest eater EVER),
then Elliotte is ready to eat again.

I feel like it's a never ending cycle of feeding the children.

I'm not sure where I've found time to eat each day,
but I'm still alive,
so I must be managing somehow.

Today we took Piper to the pool.

I'm still recovering from Elliotte's grand entrance into this world,
so Elliotte and I sat on the sidelines to watch,
while Daddy and Piper played in the pool.

Piper had the best time ever
and I wish I had a photo to share,
but sadly we aren't allowed to take photos there.

Perhaps some day if it's really quiet there,
I'll ask permission to take her photo,
but for now you just get a post-pool photo.

I pampered one daughter with Princess Fruity snacks
while I dried her hair...
and 'pampered' my other daughter in Pampers!


I can see many hours of doing this in my future! 
And I couldn't be happier about it!
I love my girls!

Oh, and another short, but cute story from my chatterbox!

While I was pregnant, Piper would spend SO much time rubbing my belly as she cuddled up next to me reading books or watching TV. She just loved to rub, rub, rub my belly.

A couple of days ago, she reached over to rub my belly again and asked about the baby in my belly. I explained to her that Elliotte was the baby that was in my belly all along and that now she is out. Baby Elliotte is now out of my belly. 

Piper took a moment to think about this before she tilted her little head to the side, looked up at me and said "Good job Mommy!" Ohhhh, my sweet girl! 

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Speech Therapist Needed for Party Girl

Piper has been a chatterbox since very early on. 

She pretty much skipped from saying 'mom' and 'dad'
to full on sentences. 
It's been so funny to hear such funny conversations
come out of such a tiny person!

She can carry on conversations,
but her words are not always clear.
Like the fact that she can't say her "f's",
so a fireplace is a 'sireplace'
and a fox is 'sox'.

Elliotte is pronounced "Ollie-it" in Piper tongue!

It can get confusing at times, 
but she sure keeps us entertained!

Like tonight for example.

We were all sitting at the kitchen table eating our supper.
Elliotte was sitting in her bouncy chair on the floor
and every few moments she would make a 'squawking' type sound. 

Piper thought this was funny and would imitate her.

A few moments later Piper looks at me and says,
"Mommy, Ollie-it no cock".

(Picture me with my eyes popping out of my head here!)

I stammered, "What did you say Piper?"

She smiles that sweet smile and repeats,
"Ollie-it no cock, Mommy!"

I look at Mark, panic stricken!
Mark looks back at me panic stricken!

"Piper, can you say that again please?"

She repeats it again while looking at us 
wondering what's going on.

Then it hits me.

I had told her that Elliotte makes funny noises
because she can't "TALK".

Piper was trying to tell us that,
"Elliotte no TALK, Mommy".

Oh thank God!

Mark and I laughed.
Relieved laughter!

It was a funny story.

Then came bedtime.

That's when we read books together in the rocking chair,
followed by a five-minute cuddle
when we talk about our day 
and what we plan to do tomorrow.

I told Piper that if the weather is nice tomorrow,
perhaps we could go outside and play in the driveway with some chalk

She looks up at me with big eyes and says,
"Go outside and play cock, Mommy?"

Oh lord help me!

We need a speech therapist!


Piper found party hats that Nana and Diane bought.
She proceeded to make a 'cake' in her kitchen
(two slices of plastic toast)
and made Mark and I sing Happy Birthday
to every person she has ever met!
We had to tell this little party animal to 'simmer down'!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Three Week Comparison

I can't believe that it's already been three weeks
since Elliotte was born.

It feels like it was only yesterday,
yet when I look at her,
she seems so big and sturdy 
compared to Piper at 3 weeks.

It was funny at the doctor's office today.
My doctor looked at Elliotte
and said that she looked so small and dainty.

I laughed because I think she looks like a linebacker!

It's all in comparison I'm sure.

All I really know
is that I'm so thankful for a healthy full term baby
who sleeps and eats SO well.

Piper may have been a more difficult baby,
but she wasn't more difficult to love.


Petite little Piper at 3 weeks old.
Compared to Elliotte with those chubby cheeks at 3 weeks!!
(She has a double chin already as well!)

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Daddy's Dumbbells

Exercise equipment is expensive.

Mark needed weights for his workouts.

Dumbbells would work,
but like I said,
they're expensive.

So I made my own and gave them to Mark to use.

They will end up being quite expensive in the long run,
but for now I think it was pretty ingenious!


Piper Push-ups!
Elliotte Extensions!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Bed, Bath and Beyond

Bathtubs aren't only good for bathing.

They're also a great spot to host a party
for you and all your friends.

That's exactly what Piper did a few days ago...
she even invited her little sister to join them!


Hanging out with all her buds in Mommy's bathtub!
Elliotte wanted to join in the fun too!
Pretending to wash Dip's hair during the party!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day... Yesterday!

Hey... I'm only one day late.

I don't think that's too bad 
for someone who is just learning how to manage
a two year old and a two week old!


Piper using a sheep to try to make Elliotte smile!
Happy St. Paddy's Day from the Lynch sisters!
The newest little Lynch leprechaun. 
Her shirt says "Kiss me I'm cute"...
hence the kissy face!
So sad because her shirt is baby poop green
instead of the pretty kelly green like her sister's.
Well Elliotte,
 not only was this the only green shirt that we had that is small enough for you,
but this is suiting, since you pooped on your momma today!
We love you!

Monday, 17 March 2014

First Double-Date

Piper and Elliotte went on their very first double-date yesterday
with Sylvie and her little sister Caitlin.

The two older sisters had a blast in the bouncy castle,
riding tricycles and racing around...
while the two little sisters pretty much just sat 
and stared in amazement.

Well... maybe that's giving Elliotte a little too much credit.
Caitlin did most of the staring
and Elliotte did a little more sleeping and eating!


Big sisters bouncing around!
Caitlin (or baby Chicken as Piper calls her) having a snack and watching the big girls play!
Is that a little pout Elliotte??
Do you want to get in the bouncy castle too?
Soon enough baby girl.
Soon enough!