Friday, 14 March 2014

Hide and Seek-Your-Sister

Every day I'm surprised
at just how much Piper loves her baby sister!

It's adorable.

Elliotte is the very first person that Piper asks to see
when she wakes up each morning.

When she comes into our bedroom each morning
and finds her asleep in her bassinet,
we always get the same "ahhhhh... there she is"!

As much as I'm loving the new baby cuddles,
I'm excited for the day when my girls can play together.

Piper isn't wasting any time.
She's ready now
and is already creating her own games to play with Elliotte!



Piper explaining the rules of hide-and-seek to her little sister!
Ready or not... come and find me Elliotte!
(Can you see Piper?)
Here I am!!!
Giggle giggle giggle.
And repeat...

I can't believe that Elliotte is already two weeks old! It makes me so happy to watch her thrive and grow, as we already see changes in her, but it also makes me a little sad that each day that passes, she's less and less my newborn. Before I know it, both of my girls will be starting school, getting their driver's permits and moving out. I'm trying my best, my very best, to appreciate and treasure every single moment!

After Elliotte's birth, we were kept in the hospital for 5 nights due to her rapid weight loss. I was told that normally they expect and are content with an 8-9% drop in weight over the first few days, but Elliotte dropped 11% overnight. They thought that perhaps they had recorded her original birth weight incorrectly, but after checking the photo that they took with our camera of her being weighed, they knew it was recorded correctly. SO, we worked hard in those first five days to try to increase her weight by initiating frequent feedings and supplementing with some formula. We had a wonderful team of nurses working with me day and night to encourage Elliotte to 'fatten up'. Happily, by day 5, she had started to regain some weight and was back up to 7 lbs 11 oz by the time they let us go home. We were even more pleased when the public health nurse came to our house a few days later and weighed her. She was up to 8 lbs. :-) Our hard work was paying off and I was now allowed to feed Elliotte on demand, rather than waking her (and me) every 3 hours for an hour long feeding. Well... the nurse called and asked to make another visit two days ago. It had been a week since her last visit, so we were anxious to find out how much more weight our baby girl had gained. Turns out that I must be producing some sort of high fat cream instead of milk, since Elliotte gained TWELVE ounces. IN ONE WEEK!!! What a little pork chop we're going to have. I think Piper was 2 months old before she weighed 8 lbs 12 oz. LOL! My girls may look an awful lot alike, but they are completely opposite babies! Piper didn't want to eat or sleep... ever, while that's all Elliotte wants to do. I'm afraid to brag too much about what a wonderful baby Elliotte is because I don't want to jinx myself, but she really is absolutely wonderful!!!! I am so blessed to have my two girls!!!

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