Thursday, 27 March 2014

A Snowy One-Month Birthday

It's hard to believe that Elliotte is one month old already!

It's been a whole month since we met out littlest princess!

And how did we celebrate?
By shoveling. 

What a snow storm we had last night!
It was madness.

I believe that something like 40-50 cm of snow fell?
Mix that with the crazy winds and it was a nasty nasty night.

I'm so thankful that I wasn't still pregnant
and anticipating labour during THAT storm.

I'll post some photos of the post-storm shots tomorrow.

For now,
just a couple of Elliotte and her big sister
on her one-month birthday!


Piper showing Elliotte her little police truck
(that she was afraid of until today apparently?!?). 
Happy one month birthday little sister! 
Blue wants in on the fun too!
(Notice Elliotte watching Piper. She does that a lot!)

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