Monday, 24 March 2014

Post-Pool Princess Pampering

Taking advantage of Mark's pat-leave,
we are trying to get out as much as we can...
with a newborn in tow. 

It takes us FOREVER to get ready to go anywhere,
but eventually we do get out of the house.

It just seems that by the time Piper has eaten breakfast
(she's the slowest eater EVER),
then Elliotte is ready to eat again.

I feel like it's a never ending cycle of feeding the children.

I'm not sure where I've found time to eat each day,
but I'm still alive,
so I must be managing somehow.

Today we took Piper to the pool.

I'm still recovering from Elliotte's grand entrance into this world,
so Elliotte and I sat on the sidelines to watch,
while Daddy and Piper played in the pool.

Piper had the best time ever
and I wish I had a photo to share,
but sadly we aren't allowed to take photos there.

Perhaps some day if it's really quiet there,
I'll ask permission to take her photo,
but for now you just get a post-pool photo.

I pampered one daughter with Princess Fruity snacks
while I dried her hair...
and 'pampered' my other daughter in Pampers!


I can see many hours of doing this in my future! 
And I couldn't be happier about it!
I love my girls!

Oh, and another short, but cute story from my chatterbox!

While I was pregnant, Piper would spend SO much time rubbing my belly as she cuddled up next to me reading books or watching TV. She just loved to rub, rub, rub my belly.

A couple of days ago, she reached over to rub my belly again and asked about the baby in my belly. I explained to her that Elliotte was the baby that was in my belly all along and that now she is out. Baby Elliotte is now out of my belly. 

Piper took a moment to think about this before she tilted her little head to the side, looked up at me and said "Good job Mommy!" Ohhhh, my sweet girl! 

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