Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Elliotte's First Canada Day

I was really hoping to find some little-kid friendly activities
here in Summerside to celebrate Canada Day,
but sadly there were none to be found.

Perhaps they were out there,
but they evaded this momma.

Instead we watched some bigger kids have loads of fun.

I think I was more disappointed than Piper (and Elliotte).
Piper seemed extremely happy to watch the big kids 
bounce, run, slide and get tattoos.
She thought it was great!

A teenage girl tried to give Piper a tattoo of her own,
but Little Miss was too shy.

She settled for a flag and a windmill.

Elliotte didn't see what all the fuss was about.
Essentially, if there isn't food involved,
she could care less!


Piper and Elliotte sharing jellybeans with Wes!
Elliotte enjoying the cool breeze from the fan!
She LOVED it!
Piper making mango smoothies with Barb!
At the Canada Day festivities in Summerside.  
An attempt at a photo of Elliotte on her first Canada Day...
but she was too interested in the flag. 
Little Miss E wondering what all the fuss is about!
Funny story:
 Piper is a huge fan of visiting the live lobsters at the grocery store, but I am not sure if she realizes that you can actually eat them. Then, yesterday, while watching tv, a commercial came on for lobster sandwiches being served at Subway. Piper immediately looked at me and said, "lobster sandwiches, Mommy???" I smiled and replied, "Yes. You can eat lobster."

Piper thought about this for a moment and then very seriously responded, "no Mommy. You can no eat lobster. It would hurt my teeth."

I love this kid!!!

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